If you look at the Venn diagram of DevOps, on Wikipedia it's the center of Dev, QA and IT. If you look at the principles of XP, you are doing testing up front and you're doing continuous integration with regular releases to the customer. Then they integrate (add to the integration machine), … Continuous Integration can slash the amount of time spent in integration hell, in fact it can turn hell into a non-event. There's a fundamental counter-intuitive effect at the center of continuous integration. Continuous integration is a practice specially devised to build or integrate the stages of development. Continuous Integration. I'm just seeing a new term on concepts that are foundations of XP.
Am I missing something? Developers need to merge their changes as often as possible, at least once a day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. Continuous Integration. Integration is much easier because so little has changed since the last integration. That is, if you integrate throughout the project in small amounts you will not find your self trying to integrate the system for weeks at the project's end while the deadline slips by. Continuous integration. Integration is a "pay me now or pay me more later" kind of activity. It is that it is better to integrate often than to integrate rarely. The practice of daily builds is simply not good enough to withstand the speed of XP development. Continuous integration avoids or detects compatibility problems early. Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Your team will need to write automated tests for each new feature, improvement or bug fix. How continuous integration works in practice is that developers work on a module, class, or component until complete. You need a continuous integration server that can monitor the main repository and run the tests automatically for every new commits pushed. Continuous Integration is a software development practice wherein the code is stored in the central repository, in a way that it is accessible; once the system is received, automated builds and tests are run on it. The More Often the Better.