A case in which BMG Rights Management accused Cox Communications of contributory and vicarious copyright infringement based on its subscribers’ peer-to-peer file-sharing. Nine most notorious copyright cases in music history. Star Wars vs Battlestar Galactica. Though vexing to some copyright owners the reality is that the actual damage caused by an infringement of copyright can be minimal. However provisions like Article 13 enable national courts to award a more appropriate level of damages arising out of the wrong. Remedies. ... became Queen’s second number-one hit in the UK and a third for Bowie. 107(1)(a)+(b)
Offence Section Sentence Indictment (a) makes for sale or hire, or (b) imports into the UK otherwise than for his private and domestic use. The new legislation has also created an array of criminal offences that further place limitation upon a users exercise of their rights to take advantage of exceptions to UK copyright law. Below are the summaries of two cases from the UK and two from America, which demonstrate both the importance of correct trademark searches and doing your homework before making a trademark application. Other trademark infringement cases provide valuable precedents and lessons in trademark law despite not grabbing the headlines. Hawkes & Son (London) Ltd v. Paramount Film Service Ltd [1934] 1 Ch 593 (the Colonel … Infringement cases Court case C-196/13 (infringement procedure 2003/2077 - illegal landfills in Italy): List of landfills covered by the judgment of 2/12/2014-situation of the expiry of the ninth semester following the judgment (3/12/2018-2/6/2019) The Supreme Court (Lucasfilm v Ainsworth [2011] UKSC 39), recognising the modern trend in favour of the enforcement of foreign intellectual property rights, held that infringements of copyright which take place outside the EU (in this case in the US) are justiciable in the UK if there is no challenge to the subsistence of copyright. The following is a more accessble plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Intellectual Property Law Notes . Browse The Independent’s complete collection of articles and commentary on copyright infringement. 107(1)(a)+(b) _____ The owner of the copyright has the following remedies available to them in a case of infringement: an injunction prohibiting any further infringement; For secondary infringement to exist, any of the above acts need to have been committed with some knowledge, whether actual or imputed, of the original or primary infringement. Perhaps the most famous case of copyright infringement is that of Battlestar Galactica, who apparently ‘borrowed’ a little too much from Star Wars. Some of the biggest copyright infringement cases have been between some of the most well-known companies in the world, including the copyright court cases listed below. 1. In this case this would be a clear example of copyright infringement. Offence Section Sentence Indictment (a) makes for sale or hire, or (b) imports into the UK otherwise than for his private and domestic use.