But, an antenna amplifier a much more complex device, and it’s much more prone to failure. If you were able to scan the channels one day, the signal may have had a good margin. A: The main thing that a viewer can do is to adjust their antenna or get a stronger one. I am having trouble getting all of the available channels in any one antenna orientation.
When you adjust your antenna to get good reception for one channel, you lose another channel. When the scan completes, any channel data the converter box or digital TV had in its memory should be removed. Why you lost local channels after Rescan Day, and when you can expect to get them back By Brooke Cain. It could also be her cables. Go to the previous item and make sure there are digital channels in your area. If you are using an indoor antenna, try to move it near a window that faces in the direction of the station’s transmitter site.
A better antenna can help as well. She should check out TVFool.com and it will tell her what channels are available in her area.
There's all kinds of things that could … An antenna is a dead-simple device, it’s pretty much a piece of shaped metal. Your Antenna’s Amplifier Went Bad – Try Bypassing It. Getting good reception for all channels is like playing “whack-a-mole”. If that doesn’t help, you may need to raise the antenna, either outdoors or in an attic. With the antenna disconnected, run the channel scan function on the converter box or digital TV. 6. To get the best possible signal margin, you need to have a good antenna installed as high as you can. Rescan by reconnecting the antenna to the converter box or digital TV and running the channel scan function again. But then if the margin is reduced to below the allowable for the digital TV receiver, then it can't decode the signal and simply shows you "No signal". One TV may have a more sensitive tuner than the other, or it could be that less cable is also used, minimizing attenuation. If after the scanning process is complete your television auto scan not finding channels persists, it’s time to start troubleshooting.
Here are some things we are going to need to check: Your TV Tuner is functional – it may be helpful to try a different TV if this is an option to ensure your TV’s digital tuner card is not the issue. It may just be that the antenna has shifted a little bit, so she should try and repoint it.
If your antenna is on your roof, you might have to go up there to make sure it hasn’t fallen or shifted.
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