Ngā Mihi. A mihi for Catholic schools could go like this. Any correspondence by the university can include the use of te reo Māori in a number of ways. Mihi Whakatau – Formal Welcomes Background for teachers A mihi is a formal way of respecting people by acknowledging their mana and tapu (dignity and sacredness).
Useful language for the classroom . Beginning and endings to letters, emails and memoranda. We could have kept adding more but thought that we would wait to here back from you before progressing further. E kore e mimiti te puna aroha ki ōku tini kaiako nō roto i ngā tau. It is useful for welcoming visitors to the school. Start studying Mihi - acknowledgements (te reo Māori). Welcoming. Maori vocabulary English translation Nau mai Welcome Haere mai ... Ngā mihi mō tō huritau Best wishes for your birthday Commiserating. In Māori culture greeting others is very important. Offering.
Te haere ki tētahi marae.
The most commonly used are greetings at the beginning and signing offs at the end. Kia ora (Greetings, Hello) Kia ora koutou (Greetings, Hello to you – 3 or more people) Kia ora rā kōrua (Greetings, Hello to you two – 2 people) Kia ora koutou katoa (Greetings, Hello to you all – 3 or more people) Tēnā koe (Greetings, Hello to you – 1 person) Whaikōrero. Thanking.
Mihi ki a Papatūānuku (acknowledgement of Mother Earth): giving thanks for Mother Earth and all living things. Mihi whakatau A mihi whakatau is a general welcome in Māori that is less formal than a pōwhiri and does not require a response from the visitors, unless there is someone within the visiting group who can respond appropriately. Waiata. It is a sign of hospitality and respect to mihi on important occasions. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Te tohu i te wā o te tau – Writing dates I’m so sorry!
Pōwhiri. It is an opportunity for people to show respect, through the language used and its accompanying actions, and the tone for the interaction is set. Greetings – Mihi There are many greetings or mihi used in Māori. Below is a starter mihi, using a typical form. Aroha mai! Maori vocabulary English translation He aha māu?
He mihi maioha ki te reo Māori, ki te reo taketake o tēnei whenua, ki ngā iwi Māori nō koutou tēnei taonga, tēnei māpihi maurea. You poor thing! The resource includes karakia, words, phrases, sentence structure, examples of mihi, waiata and much more. Mihimihi. Maori vocabulary English translation Ka aroha hoki! For further information or inquiries please contact Joseph Potangaroa or Mike Kawana. What would you like?