The Tektronix TDS2004B oscilloscope is a general-purpose, four channel digital storage instrument capable of displaying and capturing electrical signals with frequencies up to 60 MHz.

Digital Storage Oscilloscope Product Support Read Online: Overview; Specifications; Ordering Information; The TBS2000B Series of Oscilloscopes with a 9-inch WVGA display, 5 million …

Bandwidth Bandwidth is the first specification to consider. The oscilloscope let us actually see the current going through our setup and allowed us to manipulate it to acquire values and a different perceptive of this flowing energy. Digital-Storage-Oscilloscope . revised 19 December 2016 (You will do two experiments; this one and the Charge-to-Mass Ratio of the Electron experiment. More Information. A sample report is provided, which the student must complete and turn in for this lab. In the normal acquire mode of the DSO, Introduction to Oscilloscopes Lab Experiment Performance Terms and Considerations There are many ways to specify digital oscilloscope performance, but the most important are bandwidth, rise time, sample rate, and record length. 1. learn how to measure timevarying - electronic signals with an oscilloscope (DSO). Midway through the 3 hour lab period, you will switch rooms to work on the other experiment. Time cannot be given in lab to perform PreLab activities. TBS2000B Series Datasheet. This section will review the three most common measurement methods: 1 Digital Storage Oscilloscope . Download Datasheet CONFIGURE AND QUOTE TBS2072B; TBS2074B; TBS2102B ; TBS2104B; TBS2202B; TBS2204B; Buy Online. The ADC samples the voltage into an n­ bit sample taken every t s. These samples are stored in. revised 19 December 2016 (You will do two experiments; this one and the Charge-to-Mass Ratio of the Electron experiment. Sections will switch rooms and experiments half-way through the lab.) 1. Learning Objectives: During this lab, you will . Experiment 1 Using the Digital Storage Oscilloscope Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to become familiar with the Agilent DSO1012A digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) and some useful procedures for documenting DSO waveforms in a report. Digital Storage Oscilloscopes (DSO) read a voltage on an input channel, amplify the signal, condition the signal, and finally convert the signal with an Analog­to­Digital Converter (ADC). INTRODUCTION TO THE DSO 3 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE DIGITAL OSCILLOSCOPE (DSO) CONSULAB PRESENTATION – JUNE 2016 CLASS … The oscilloscope provides several ways to make these measurements.

The technology is radically different from the conventional CRT type oscilloscope, but it’s purpose is the same and in many ways it is much easier to use. Digital Oscilloscope 5 MHz Bandwidth, 20MS/s Sampling, 2.4 inch Display 320 * 240 Resolution Mini Storage handheld Oscilloscope mit BNC Clip Kabel Sonde KW25 75 price £ 50 . Lab #3A (Digital Storage Oscilloscope) is set up in Rockefeller 402 while Lab #3B (E/M for the Electron) is set up in Rockefeller 403. 16 Oscilloscope Lab Introduction: The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the basic tools used by engineers and technicians in analyzing electronic equipment: the function generator, the analog oscilloscope, and the digital oscilloscope. Digital Storage Oscilloscope. Bandwidth is the frequency range of the oscilloscope, Note that this is a PreLab. Its front panel can be divided into a number of sections:

The sample 1 Digital Storage Oscilloscope . Conclusion: In this lab we used the oscilloscope to measure the current of several simple circuits. Prelab: The Digital Storage Oscilloscope Instructions: Prepare for this lab activity by answering the questions below. DSO .

Oscilloscope Measurements Introduction A digital oscilloscope can make a variety of measurements on electrical signals, such as peak-to-peak and RMS amplitude measurements and frequency, period, and pulse width timing measurements. Digital-Storage-Oscilloscope . Experiment #6 Oscilloscope I 37 Digital Storage Oscilloscope In this lab we will be using a Digital Storage type Oscilloscope (DSO). exception is the experiment with a coaxial cable, where it is necessary to build graphs of the results obtained. Learning Objectives: During this lab, you will .

digital storage oscilloscope experiment