They eat a good variety of prey depending upon the terrain they live in ranging from termites to baby rhinos and everything in between. Yes though only as an opportunist or if times are tough. They all probably eat beef, chicken and fish. However, they take second place to the Jaguars of South America who eat lots of fish usually just by diving in. 0 0. Yes. Source: Hake is on the menu today! They also prey on wild water buffalo, Eld’s Deer, kouprey, Schomburgk’s Deer, and hog deer. read more .
Tigers don't ea... Big Cats Tigers Fish Eat.
Some of the food sources include wild pigs, bovids, sambar deer, serow, young gaur, and banteng.
Tigers are one of the biggest cats on the planet. Part1: I'm going to say that Tigers will eat fish if the opprotunity arose and regular food was scarce. In one sitting, an adult Bengal tiger can eat up to 40 kg of meat, and then starve for up to three weeks. What Do Indochinese Tigers Eat (What Do Tigers Eat) Indochinese tigers primarily prey on medium-sized prey and greater ungulates. Wiki User 2009-10-17 18:32:39. There are also facts that tigers eat and predators: leopards, crocodiles, wolves, boas and even Himalayan and brown bears and bear cubs. The white or Bengal tiger is an endangered sub-species found mostly in India. By nature, tigers are carnivores. The ‘Tiger Fish’ is the name generally used to refer to a variety of fish species of the genus Hydrocynus. What do tigers eat? They get to be this large because of the foods they eat. They eat things like fish, monkeys, fowl orangutans, and wild pig. But I'm not saying that they will actively hunt fish as a regular food source.
When desperate, tigers eat small animals like frogs, lizards, snakes and even termites.
In addition to animal food, tigers and berries consume. Native to Africa, the Tiger Fish is located in scores of rivers and lakes throughout the continent. Related Questions. Do you know the answer to the question: what do Bengal tigers eat? 1. Asked in Tigers Do tigers eat fish? They will eat everything that they can catch and kill. They even fish for their meals in local watering holes. These two tigers are on a diet today and even though they are getting less ,they are getting something nice today. Tigers are good swimmers and at home in water. The smaller species also become an essential part of their diet such as hog … Although they can grow to quite large sizes, the African Tiger Fish can be seen as the equivalent to the South American Piranha. In this article, we’ll explore the tiger hunting pattern and exact diet plan for each tiger type. I'm not sure if you added your explanation if your question after the other answers were written, because the answers all seem to reflect what I was thinking, too: • By swallowing the prey whole; or • By chewing it very thoroughly. Sometimes tigers settle for smaller prey, such as monkey and civets, both of which are found in tropical rain forests, one of the most common habitats of tigers. Males do not eat fish and rabbits, females do – on the contrary – eagerly eat fish and offal. White tigers typically hunt alone. Sumatran tigers weigh between 220 to 310 pounds.