The Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) is the nation's fourth largest police department, with over 6600 sworn members and 800 civilian personnel. If this is an Emergency please call 911. Welcome to the Columbus Division of Police Citizens Online Police Reporting System. At this time, the online police reporting application may only be completed in English. If the jurisdiction is listed as "Portland / Multnomah", the address is inside Portland. This online service is NOT monitored 24/7. Every person who knowingly makes a false report is guilty of a misdemeanor per 13-2907.01 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. Filing a Police Report During Coronavirus; Please Note. We wish it was, it would be much easier to submit evidence. At this time, the online police reporting application may only be completed in English. The process of filing a police report is not standardized. How to Use the Citizens Online Reporting Tool (CORT) Filing a Police Report During Coronavirus; Please Note. 向警方舉報罪案. Official police report numbers begin with a C, R or E (C170123456, R170123456 or E170123456). Citizens shall be aware that filing a false online report is a CRIME! You will require the official police report number to submit a Supplemental Report.
This system allows victims of certain non-emergency crimes to file a police report without waiting for a police officer. Please note the following: You CANNOT file a report if: Presentar un informe policial en español. Interpreters are available to assist. Not sure if there is an existing report? Use this form to report additional information that was NOT reported on the initial police report. If NO, please proceed to the next question. Filing a false police report is a crime. Yes No. File a Police Report in English. Entries into this system are for incidents that are not in progress and that present no threat of immediate harm to anyone. You must be 18 or older to use Citizen Online Police Report System (COPRS). File an Offense Report Online. TYPES OF CRIMES THAT CAN BE REPORTED. Is this a TRAFFIC ACCIDENT? Lodge Cash Movement Report (Form NP 728) to the Suspicious Transaction Reporting Office. If you are unsure, you can use Portland Maps to search for the address. If you have met the above criteria, below is a list of crimes that you may report online. To file a police report, see options below. If YES, you must file an Alaska Motor Vehicle Crash Report with the State of Alaska. If you need to file a police report, please call 615-862-8600. Filing a false police report is punishable by imprisonment in county jail not exceeding 6 months, or by fine not exceeding $1,000, or by both. Did the incident you are reporting occur within the City of Portland, Oregon and the Police Bureau service area? Anyone filing a false police report may be prosecuted under California Penal Code section 148.5 PC. File Police Reports Online The APD’s online incident reporting system allows you to report a criminal incident to the Police Department. If NO, please contact the appropriate law enforcement agency to file your report. In some places, you might have to go into your local department and file a complaint. If you need to file a police report in any other language, please call 3-1 …
After you fill out the form, please print and sign, and return to: The PPD is the primary law enforcement agency responsible for serving Philadelphia County, extending over 140 square-miles … IF THIS IN AN EMERGENCY PLEASE CALL 9-1-1: Welcome to the Miami Police Department online incident reporting system. If you are filing for a minor, call 419-245-3340. Note: Filing a false police report is a crime! Using this online citizen police report system allows you to submit a report immediately and print a copy of the police report for free. Victim Follow-Up Form. In some counties you can file online and anonymously. File a police report online: If you have an email address you can file an online police report for many types of crime by clicking below on the language of your choice. Call 206 625-5011 - our non-emergency number.