Einstein’s quote banishes some of the mystery of the past and helps us not to fear or lament over the past. Forgetting The Past Sayings and Quotes. Look no further – enjoy the following 20 quotes about living in the present moment: “Life is available only in the present moment. 3. Quotes About the Past Can Help You Take Control of Your Present and Your Future. The past is just a different present or future than ours, depending on where you are looking from. Life is divided into three terms - that which was, which is, and which will be.
Every life has a purpose.
Live in the present. Embrace your true spirit, embrace and listen to grace and you be transformed in the moment. Give up... - Sivananda quotes at AZquotes.com
We must acknowledge the past, but we can’t stay stuck in it. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present, to live better in the future. Leave the past in the past with the collection of wise and insightful forgetting the past quotes below. We need to let go of the past. The past is filled with pain, the present with opportunity, and the future with uncertainty. There is only now.’
Do not waste today worrying about what will happen tomorrow. Christopher Paolini — ‘Live in the present, remember the past, and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. The past is a closed door, the present is an open one, and the future is an approaching one.
Do not fixate on what you want but give thanks for what you have.
Live in the present, forget the past.