For registration information contact Ann Rausch at 907-465-5015.. Instructor Training is for individuals who are passionate about violence prevention and interested in raising public awareness by teaching Green Dot skills to adults in your community. Green Dot will be offered in the morning, STAND Up in the afternoon, with lunch available in between. 2% Cash Back on online and mobile purchases with no cap. Green Dot is a prevention programme focusing on sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking. For registration information contact Ann Rausch at 907-465-5015.. Instructor Training is for individuals who are passionate about violence prevention and interested in raising public awareness by teaching Green Dot skills to adults in your community. Secretary LaHood’s February 27, 2009 Letter. The Green Dot program is a comprehensive violence prevention program. Remember User ID. Traditional Big Banks. Green Dot empowers a community to establish intolerance of violence as the norm. Green Dot Alaska Community Instructor Training. The Green Dot ® is a license symbol used on packaging in some European markets which shows that a fee has been paid to fund the recycling of that packaging when it becomes waste and a essentially a financial contribution to a packaging recovery system. It launched in 2006 at the University of Kentucky. Green Dot Training Housing | The Department of Residence Services is a proud supporter of the Green Dot strategy at Kent State University. Green Dot sees all community members as potential active bystanders and seeks to safely engage them in violence prevention. Green Dot is a bystander intervention initiative that recognizes that most people care about the high prevalence of power based personal violence but don’t have the tools to know how to be part of the solution. The Green Dot Trademark “The Green Dot” symbol is a worldwide protected trademark. In the United Kingdom, the Green Dot symbol does not carry such significance. Anchorage, Alaska. Help Us Bring Green Dot Training To Our Community If you, your business or organization want to sponsor a portion of this one-time cost or want to be part of this vision for a safer community, please contact Nancy Ramsey, Executive Director of Programs at Community Beyond Violence at or at (530) 272-2046. The Green Dot Symbol We are the UK Green Dot Licensing Company European legislation places the responsibility for the recovery and recycling of packaging waste onto companies that handle packaging. GREEN DOT ALASKA . PRO Europe and its members, the Green Dot packaging recovery organisations all over Europe, frequently receive customers’ questions regarding the recommended use of "The Green Dot" on packaging. 1. It equips them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to identify, intervene and report sexual assault. The strategy targets everyone in the community as agents of change to visibly reduce the number of incidents of violence. Green Dot was launched by the Office of Sexual and Relationship Violence Support Services in Fall 2014 to help promote a campus culture where everyone is responsible for keeping each other safe and creating a healthy, supportive community. 4. It targets all campus community members as potential allies and bystanders by engaging them in prevention through awareness, education and skills practice. Certifications. Health Promotion • Offices of the Dean of Student Life • Student Services at White Creek• Texas A&M University • College Station, TX 77843-1257 • Account login * Required Information.