It commemorates the Biblical story of Exodus, when Hebrew slaves were released by God from bondage in Egypt. Called Pesach (pay-sak) in Hebrew, Passover is a celebration of freedom observed by Jews everywhere. Passover is celebrated in the Spring (Image: Moment RF). The name derives from the story of God's angel of death "passing over" the homes of Hebrews when God sent the tenth plague … Passover is one of the most widely celebrated Jewish holidays. Passover takes place over an eight-day period everywhere around the world where Jewish people live.
However, strangely enough, none of this taking of responsibility gets done without groaning. Passover is a celebration of spring, of birth and rebirth, of a journey from slavery to freedom, and of taking responsibility for yourself, the community, and the world. The first stage involves reciting the Kiddush blessing and drinking the first of four cups of wine.
The exception is Israel, where it lasts for seven days.