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The word "regolith" comes from the Greek for "blanket rock," and indeed the regolith is a version of rock that blankets the earth.
Agglutinates are small glassy breccias formed when a micrometeorite strikes the lunar regolith.
need brainliest pls. Typically, people refer to dirt that contains organic material as soil, while referring to other elements of the regolith as dirt, dust, gravel or sand. Unanswered Questions.
The other special lithology of the lunar regolith is called an agglutinate.
This paper presents and reviews the processes responsible for the distribution and formation of regolith and associated landscapes of the Yilgarn Craton and highlights their implications for mineral exploration. Scientists estimate that the lunar regolith extends down 4 … Explanation:
Lunar regolith is formed by the impact of meteorites on the body's surface. On the Moon, regolith occurs as a mixture of powdery dust and broken rock.
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Jennifer A. Grier, Andrew S. Rivkin, in Airless Bodies of the Inner Solar System, 2019. The force of the collision melts some of the impacted regolith to form objects known as agglutinates and heaves debris (ejecta) outward from the point of impact. Regolith, which covers most emerged and submerged lands almost continuously, is a system of usually loose rock material formed in situ (weathering profiles, or autochthonous regolith) or transported sedimentary material (allochthonous regolith, with alluvial, … Regolith covers almost the entire lunar surface, bedrock protruding only on very steep-sided crater walls and the occasional lava channel.This regolith has formed over the last 4.6 billion years from the impact of large and small meteoroids, from the steady bombardment of micrometeoroids and from solar and galactic charged particles breaking down surface rocks. Regolith Formation Exploring the Moon -- A Teacher's Guide with Activities, NASA EG-1997-10-116-HQ 51 Regolith formation on the Moon Procedure C 1.
How was lunar regolith formed? The moon regolith was formed over billions of years by constant meteorite impacts on the surface of the moon.
Millions of micrometeorites strike the Moon … Do you think regolith on the Moon is formed … Micrometeorites are a millimeter or less in size. Importance of Regolith.
Regolith is an important feature of airless bodies for a host of reasons.