Fat saturation is routinely used for postcontrast imaging in the orbits, suppressing the signal intensity from retrobulbar fat that might otherwise … Scientists and doctors are not always sure about the exact diagnostic meaning of hyperintense lesions. So, basically, the machine makes a signal, the tissues respond, the device records the response of the tissues to the signal. Enhancement is present on the postcontrast image. Absence of T2 hyperintensity on STIR also rules out disc edema, and can be passed off as benign finding.

Based on the type and relative proportion of signal alterations on conventional T1-weighted (TIW) and T2-weighted (T2W) MR images, various etiologies of bone marrow lesions can be divided into three categories [Table 1]. I might be wrong! They are usually a sign of some sort of larger condition, but not always. The two basic types of MRI images are T1-weighted and T2-weighted images, often referred to as T1 and T2 images. STIR can be used for confirmation where T1 high signal of fat gets suppressed.

Contrast MRI study: A 1.5mm T2 hyperintense lesion at the junction of anterior and posterior gland which may represent microadenoma. A tiny T1 hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesion seen at the junction of anterior and posterior gland measuring around 1.5 mm in size.There appears to be enhancement f lesion on the delayed images. Although not shown, it also was slightly hyperintense on the T1-weighted image. The timing of radiofrequency pulse sequences used to make T1 images results in images which highlight fat tissue within the body. On T1 images FAT is white; On T2 images both FAT and WATER are white; It’s all about FAT and WATER. On the T2-weighted axial image, this large retinoblastoma demonstrates characteristic low signal intensity. Pathologic processes show avid enhancement, but this may be difficult to appreciate when it is a diffuse process. Hypointense signal intensity in T1-weighted and hyperintense signal intensity in T2-weighted images confirm water content. One of these, probably T1, is a measure of the tissues' responses to the signal; the other, probably T2, is the measure of the tissues' relaxation speed after stimulation by the MRI machine. Answered by Dr. Sudhir Kumar (2 hours later) … Common Causes. At least I think this is how it was explained to me! If the mass has areas of hyperintense T1 signal, the next step is to evaluate suppression on fat-suppressed T1-weighted images. Key points. C5-6 intervertebral disc show unsual high signal on sagittal T1 and T2w images implies to Fat replacement in the disc space, a rare sign of degenerative disc disease.

Typically, neoplastic processes have lower T1-weighted signal and have hyperintense STIR and fat-suppressed T2-weighted signal relative to the adjacent disk and paravertebral muscles . Posted by Dr Balaji Anvekar at 11:03 …

hyperintense t1 and t2 signal