Colour codes on this regional index: no data/L/S/Ka band: C band: C & Ku band: Ku band: moving Satellite Name: Position: Frequency: Channel Name: MODE: Insat 4A 83.0°E: 3756 H 13333: Kanak News: FTA: Insat 4A 83.0°E: 3756 H 13333: Manoranjan TV: FTA: Insat 4A
Colour codes on this regional index: no data/L/S/Ka band: C band: C & Ku band: Ku band: moving The Ku transponders cover the Indian main land and C-Band transponders cover an extended area. . INSAT-4A was the first one in the INSAT-4 Satellites series, providing services in the K u and C band frequency bands. It has a dozen K u transponders and another dozen of C-band transponders. Insat 4A at 50.5°E: Main | Frequency chart | Europe: Insat 4A: Latest changes on Insat 4A: 191014: Satya TV on Insat 4A 190810: Manoranjan Grand on Insat 4A 190810: R-Vision on Insat 4A 190801: Hare Krsna TV on Insat 4A 190725: Indology on Insat 4A 190725: B4U Kadak on Insat 4A 190627: Whistle TV on Insat 4A: No footprint maps available yet. Pada saat peluncuran, itu adalah satelit terberat yang diproduksi India dan diluncurkan. INSAT-4A, first in INSAT-4 Satellites series provides services in Ku and C-band frequency bands. It has a dozen Ku transponders and another dozen of C-band transponders.
Satellite TV charts all over the world from Asia, Europe, Atlantic and America. This spacecraft was placed at … The K u transponders cover the Indian main land and C-Band transponders cover an extended area. You are welcome to send updates and corrections to Logotypes provided by LyngSat Logo At the time of launch, it was the heaviest satellite India had produced. Transponder Ku mencakup daratan utama India dan transponder C-Band mencakup area yang diperpanjang.
Satelit ini diluncurkan pada tanggal 22 Desember 2005, INSAT-4A berisikan pita frekuensi Ku dan C band ( yang terdiri dari 12 transponder KU Band dan 12 transponder C Band) ditempatkan pada 83.0° E bersama dengan INSAT-2E dan INSAT-3B, oleh Ariane launch vehicle (ARIANE5-V169). INSAT-4A adalah yang pertama dalam seri INSAT-4 Satellites, menyediakan layanan dalam pita frekuensi Ku dan C band.
LyngSat is a registered trademark, owned by Lyngemark Satellite. Daily updated satellite information. Diluncurkan pada tanggal 22 Desember 2005, INSAT-4A berisikan pita frekuensi Ku dan C band ( yang terdiri dari 12 transponder KU Band dan 12 transponder C Band) ditempatkan pada 83.0° E bersama dengan INSAT-2E dan INSAT-3B, oleh Ariane launch vehicle (ARIANE5-V169).
LyngSat is a registered trademark, owned by Lyngemark Satellite.
This spacecraft is placed at 83o E along with INSAT-2E and INSAT-3B, by Ariane launch vehicle (ARIANE5-V169). Satellite Name: Position: Frequency: Channel Name: MODE: Insat 4A 83.0°E: 3756 H 13333: Kanak News: FTA: Insat 4A 83.0°E: 3756 H 13333: Manoranjan TV: FTA: Insat 4A
You are welcome to send updates and corrections to Logotypes provided by LyngSat Logo