The heritage behind each family name is unique and you will need to use our Free Coat of Arms Search and see if you have your family surname in our records. If you have ever wondered about your Italian Genealogy and Ancestry, but don’t know where to begin your research, it’s a simple process to discover more about your family’s history. Here you'll find record collections, history, and genealogy resources to help you trace your Italy ancestors. Rossi, which is the most common surname in Italy, means "redhead." This Italy research page has a list of all the indexed Italian collections available... FamilySearch Catalog. Select a letter Sort by Count. NY State Archives 5. In fact, many Italian last names originated from nick names. This Italian Genealogy Homepage is where Italian Americans can easily teach themselves how to research their Ethnic Roots, Ancestry, Italian Heritage, Immigrant Family Ties, Surnames from Italy, and emigrant family locations while searching for family members around the world who share their Immigrant Ancestors' Italy Roots.. Free Genealogical Tools & Resources - great help for beginners. Welcome to our Italy family history research page. National Archives [USA] Genealogy Links 4. Simple chatting with elder relatives gives you much information to (re)construct your family history. Some of these databases are transcriptions by private individuals who have placed the information on their own free webpages.
We can also use the last name from any other country. As long as you have some basic information in regards to your Italian ancestors, you should be able to find a wealth of information. Many Italian civil records can be found on Family History Library microfilm or online at or on the Italian website They moved to Rome in the 16th century and there, following the election (1605) of Camillo as Pope Paul V, rose in wealth and fame. Brooklyn Genealogy 9. Ellis Island American Family Immigration History Center 2. Welcome to our Italy family history research page.
Where can you start your Italian genealogy adventure? Data Collections; Sorted by Italy Birth, Marriage & Death, including Parish. Welcome to the Anglo-Italian Family History Society. Many Italian civil records can be found on Family History Library microfilm or online at or on the Italian website World Vital Records US Databases 8. Discovering Italian Genealogy.
National Archives [USA] 3. Baglioni Family, related Umbrian nobles, many of whom were fierce and skillful condottiere, who dominated Perugia between 1488 and 1534. …
The years between 1880-1920 saw the largest influx of Italian immigrants to America. When researching your Italian immigrant ancestor, make sure that you have exhausted resources in America first. If you are interested in Italian genealogy and your ancestors lived in or passed through the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland) after moving from Italy, this site can help you research your family history, as well as learn about the bigger picture of Italian migration to this country. Italian families on average have become smaller in size over the past few decades as the fertility rate has declined.