Other times you have a high-performance system and want to dedicate all of that power to the task at hand.

LXQt and LXDE are lighter than Xfce, but that’s only part of the story. Either way, keeping everything as slim as possible is key. Put bluntly, LXDE looks basic.

Xfce est un environnent de bureau léger pour les systèmes d'exploitation de type Unix.

When you need to install the Linux Mint which one you should choose?

Todays Linux Mint distributed under the 32 bit and 64 bit version with different desktop environment version such as Cinnamon, Mate, KDE, and XFCE. My recommendation would be to try all four of these desktop environments and decide for yourself which one works best for you. The primary difference between LXQt and Xfce is that LXQt uses Qt rather than GTK+. KDE

Linux Mint Cinnamon vs MATE vs XFCE vs …

LXQt/LXDE vs. Xfce. Choose Linux Mint Mate or Cinnamon or XFCE or KDE ? When I say 'Xfce,' it’s a good bet you think about a lean, responsive Linux desktop environment that’s particularly light on system memory usage.

LXQt/LXDE vs. Xfce. If you prefer GTK+, you’re better off using Xfce.

GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE …

What about when I …

The primary difference between LXQt and Xfce is that LXQt uses Qt rather than GTK+. Share 0. With enough effort, Xfce can feel like a more modern desktop environment.

Xfce est constitué d'un certain nombre de composants qui fournissent ensemble les fonctionnalités complètes d'un environnement de bureau. With enough effort, Xfce can feel like a more modern desktop environment. LXQt and LXDE are lighter than Xfce, but that’s only part of the story. Put bluntly, LXDE looks basic.

by satoshi July 27, 2019.

If you prefer GTK+, you’re better off using Xfce. Il a pour vocation d'être rapide et léger, tout en restant visuellement attractif et facile d'utilisation. LXDE vs. Xfce vs. MATE.

Sometimes you need to get the most out of an old PC.

xfce vs lxde