We recommend latest java 1.8 with G1 collector ( which is default in new version). An Apache Kafka course will help developers understand what Kafka is about and how best to apply it. Kafka Streams is best defined as a client library designed specifically for building applications and microservices. Kevin Leong. A concise way to think about Kafka streams is to think of it as a messaging service, where data (in the form of messages) is transferred from one application to another, from one location to a different warehouse, within the Kafka cluster.
10 Best Practices for Working with Apache Kafka. Apache Kafka has seen broad adoption as the streaming platform of choice for building applications that react to streams of data in real time.
In Kafka 0.10.x, the settings is acks; in 0.8.x, it’s request.required.acks. Kafka best practices. Best Practices for Analyzing Kafka Event Streams. But, along with this basic training, having some idea about the best practices for using the application can help you navigate the learning curve easily.
Product Marketing, Rockset . Best practices for working with producers. 7 min read. Configure your producer to wait for acknowledgments; this is how the producer knows that the message has actually made it to the partition on the broker. Java Version.