Allowed absence in exceptional circumstances (at the discretion of the headteacher and in advance of the event) Family bereavement or close friend bereavement Other compassionate grounds Family wedding/civil partnership taking part on school day–not travelling to a wedding unless it is abroad.
The Headteacher may only grant leave of absence for exceptional circumstances. Our local authority have decided to take a tough stance on term-time holidays this year, and are going to start imposing fines for unauthorised absences. Permission will usually only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

We did have Exceptional circumstances authorised for attending my child's grandfathers funeral last year. poshfrock there is an absence code V or E (?)

Parents do not have an automatic right for their children to have time off school and any requests for absence are entirely at the Headteacher’s discretion. The Headteacher may only grant leave of absence for exceptional circumstances. Examples of any exceptional circumstances where leave may be granted during term time are as follows: If a parent is service personnel and is returning from a tour of duty abroad where it is evidenced the individual will not be in receipt of any leave in the near future that coincides with school holidays. If a child does not attend but permission is not granted, the parents can be prosecuted. Also, whether the absence falls within any national tests or exams. School Attendance Order (SAO) 2 days absence (funeral was 300 miles away). "Exceptional circumstances" for authorised absence (88 Posts) Add message ... "Exceptional circumstances" covers things like attending the funeral of a member of the immediate family, the family becoming homeless unexpectedly, serious illness of a close relative or similar. poshfrock there is an absence code V or E (?)
Mr Hobby said: "The trouble is, we have no consistent definition of an 'exceptional circumstance'. Keldmarsh Primary School Attendance and Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances Policy Date Policy Formally Agreed By Governors: 2013, 2017 Date Policy Becomes Effective: 2013 Review Date: 2017,2020 Person Responsible for Implementation and Monitoring: Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher Attendance All parents/carers who have children of compulsory school age are … Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances - Guidance for Schools (June 2018) It is acceptable to take a student’s previous record of attendance and student’s academic progress into account when making decisions. Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances Please read these notes before completing the form overleaf to request a leave of absence. We did have Exceptional circumstances authorised for attending my child's grandfathers funeral last year. Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances Policy Background Schools are required to provide education for 190 days a year and it is expected that children who are registered at a school will attend for this time. General guidance: Under current regulations schools have the discretion to grant leave for exceptional circumstances only. But now head teachers can grant absence outside school holidays only in "exceptional circumstances". 2 days absence (funeral was 300 miles away). for approved educational activity our of school that can be used for activities such as Music Exams and festivals so this should not count as unauthorised absence if sufficient notice is given. Head teachers can authorise term time holiday in advance, but only in exceptional circumstances. Parents/carers are not entitled to remove children from school for holidays. Requesting absence from school. Examples of any exceptional circumstances where leave may be granted during term time are as follows: If a parent is service personnel and is returning from a tour of duty abroad where it is evidenced the individual will not be in receipt of any leave in the near future that coincides with school holidays. For any kind of planned absence, school permission is essential and it is best to apply for it well in advance. Only in exceptional circumstances will a head teacher authorise absence during term time, including: Taking children out of school for a family ski holiday can be …