The coefficient of lift for the blades is 0.4 (CL).
In this section, we will examine lift and drag in more detail. For a different science experiment, you could calculate it using a fan, an anemometer (a few bucks from hobby king), some fishing line and a small measuring scale (in lieu of an actual device to give you Nm directly) The ANSAT-P fuselage model in the test section T-1K wind tunnel of KAI The conditions of the wind tunnel experi-ments and CFD modeling were chosen si-milarly to the conditions for the ANSAT-P … The planform area of … F lift = C L (1/2) ρ V 2 S. where: F lift: Lift (N) C L: Lift coefficient ρ: Density of the air V: True Air Speed or TAS for short (m/s) S: Airfoil surface area (m 2) In this formula, the coefficient C L depends on the shape and attitude of the airfoil in the airstream. Once a helicopter leaves the ground, it is acted upon by the four aerodynamic forces. Drag coefficient would depend on the AOA to the apparent wind. Im addition, preliminary results obtained from an experimental study ef helicopter parasite drag are presented to show the relative drag of the Drag coefficient values for cars cannot, therefore, be compared directly with values for aircraft. The drag coefficient of missiles is also normally based on the body frontal area. A STUDY in HELICOPTER FUSELAGE DRAG ... drag coefficient. Determination of the Blade Drag Coefficient. The force F lift can be calculated from:. ... For the example helicopter at sea level, the value of Ct/g is 0.086, and thus the average angle of attack is 4.9°. Figure 3. During hovering flight, a helicopter maintains a constant position. The Mach number at the 75% radius station— which may be considered typical of the entire blade—is 0.43. In powered flight (hovering, vertical, forward, sideward, or rearward), the total lift and thrust forces of a rotor are perpendicular to the tip-path plane or plane of rotation of the rotor. Lift & Drag 1 Lift. Total drag produced by an aircraft is the sum of the profile drag, induced drag, and parasitedrag.Total drag is primarily a function of airspeed. Drag Drag is the force that opposes the motion of an aircraft through the air. In the example of a small helicopter with two blades, the rotor disk travels at 70 meters per second (v). number of helicopter rotors operated at high tip speeds are summarized to show the general effect of compressibility on the rotor profile-drag power coefficient and are compared with calculated predictions.