Please note that the Family Registration Certificate (FRC) helps in Embassy use mostly but cannot be used for any Legal requirement. In Pakistan the official Marriage Certificate is mostly issued in Urdu Language. 5-10 working days depending upon the work load and other factors in relevant issuing office. NADRA Marriage Registration Certificate Fee: Concerned issuing departments can better quote their official charges to process NADRA Marriage Registration Certificate because this fee can vary in different cities. NADRA has successfully implemented Civil Registration Management System in Pakistan and Sudan. Nadra Smart Card Tracking ID. Birth, Death, Marriage and Divorce. Basically, there are two types of marriage certificates in Pakistan e.g Urdu Nikkah Nama and English Marriage Certificate.
Similar to NADRA birth certificate NADRA has also developed a special system to issue NADRA marriage certificates. Identity Documents Corporate Law society pakistan team assist you to get your marriage certificate from concern department. How to Get NADRA Computerized Marriage certificate. Sample nadra marriage certificate is only for review, and watermarked and sample marriage certificate contents are removed to keep the privacy. After submission NADRA marriage registration certificate can be issued in approx. You can apply for FRC in the following three categories: NADRA Pakistan introduces computerized marriage certificate, NADRA actually starts computerize marriage from 2013, but now you can also change your previous Nikha Nama to computerize marriage certificate. This provides the family composition. The NADRA Marriage Registration Certificate (MRC) in Pakistan is very important and strong document. This is the sample of the Nadra Marriage Certificate as your computerized certificate that is given to you contain the same format and data as … Sample image of marriage certificate The scope is to automate all the local governments in a country and provide centralized computerized registration and certificate issuance of the mentioned vital events to the grass root level. NADRA has successfully implemented Civil Registration Management System at the Local Government level in Pakistan.Under this system the government can register the citizens vital events (Birth,marriage,death). Marriage Certificate is the Official documents having the details of marriage between two persons. Format of NADRA marriage certificate in Pakistan. The system provides up-to-date status reporting facilities for selected events, providing business decision models for strategic decision making in resource allocation, hence … The Process to Get a Computerized Marriage Certificate Bring your Nikah Nama (Urdu) to the marriage registrar (Nikah Khwa, The Molvi of the Masjid of your… Family Registration Certificate is issued to applicants which shows family composition of the applicant (by birth or by marriage) registered with National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA).