
2 Minute Read PUBLISHED September 30, 2015 Titan Arum is such a large plant that it can take a year or more for the plant to store enough energy to bloom (and even then, the plant can only sustain its bloom for a couple of days). To attract insects of course. Learn the science behind the corpse flower's smell. While many visitors expected to smell the flower's powerful scent, a few were a little disappointed. How is the smell of the corpse flower described: rotting fish, rotting meat, organic potting soil, and really bad body odor.

Author: Brandon Hamilton

What makes the corpse flower that just bloomed at the New York Botanical Garden smell so bad? Verify: Why does the corpse flower smell so bad? With people (and insects) flocking to the newest corpse flower bloom, we take a look at why this plant is so smelly. Why does the corpse flower smell so terrible? The main chemical that makes the giant bloom of … July 24, 2013—After an anxious wait, the famous corpse flower finally bloomed at the U.S. Botanic Garden. Q.