Due to its prodigious star formation it has been classified as an active starburst galaxy. It shines at magnitude +9.5 and therefore is bright enough to be seen with small telescopes. NGC 2146 (= PGC 18797) Discovered (1876) by August Winnecke An 11th-magnitude spiral galaxy (type SB(s)ab pec) in Camelopardalis (RA 06 18 38.3, Dec +78 21 21) The galaxy is located in the constellation of Coma Berenices.
NGC 2146 - Barred Spiral Galaxy morphological classification NGC 2146 - Barred Spiral Galaxy is classified as Barred Spiral (Bab) according to the Hubble and de Vaucouleurs galaxy morphological classification. Various unusual celestial objects have been observed within NGC 6964. The image below shows a 12 arcmin wide SDSS image centered on the galaxy M51 (= NGC 5194 = PGC 47404), The Whirlpool Galaxy (also, with NGC 5195 = Arp 85) Discovered (Oct 13, 1773) by Charles Messier Discovered (Jan 5, 1774) by Johann Bode Recorded (Jan 11, 1774) by Charles Messier as M51 Also observed (Mar 17, 1828) by John Herschel In Hubble’s scheme, which is based on the optical appearance of galaxy images on photographic plates, galaxies are divided into three general classes: ellipticals, spirals, and irregulars. NGC 4565, also known as the Needle Galaxy, is the finest and brightest example of an edge-on spiral galaxy in the sky. It is a nearly edge-on disturbed starburst galaxy (i.e. NGC 2146 is a relatively nearby peculiar Barred Spiral Galaxy in the Constellation of Camelopardalis. enhanced star-forming activity). Since positioned at the eastern edge of the sprawling naked eye Coma Star Cluster (Mel 111), it's easy to find. It has a peculiar large nuclear bulge with many irregular absorption markings and … It is heavily obscured by interstellar matter due to its location close to the galactic plane of the Milky Way, with a dimming of ~1.5 magnitudes. Galaxy - Galaxy - Types of galaxies: Almost all current systems of galaxy classification are outgrowths of the initial scheme proposed by the American astronomer Edwin Hubble in 1926. The diagram below shows a visual representation of the position of NGC 2146 - Barred Spiral Galaxy in the Hubble de Vaucouleurs sequence.