If there was a place in Northeast and North Central Nebraska not affected by flooding by ... Spencer dam breaks, many towns evacuated ... notably the Spencer dam located on the Niobrara River.

The corridor is abundant with wildlife. When sediment builds up on the riverbed it raises river levels, creating flooding issues for tributaries like the Niobrara River. 24: Highway 12 east and west of Niobrara will be flooded, and the sewage lagoons in Niobrara will be flooded.

5.5: Minor flooding of lowland directly along the river. 7: Minor flooding along the left bank downstream from Berry Bridge to Smith Falls Campground. Most visitors come to the Niobrara to float the river by canoe, tube, kayak, or raft. Bottom Road in Bon Homme County begins flooding. Peak Stage Chart. Smith falls campground may begin to flood as well as parking areas along the river. The scenic Niobrara river is a great place for photography, birding, and hiking. Edwin A. Fry, editor of The Niobrara Pioneer, noted in March 1882 that Niobrara residents had grown tired of subsidizing streets and other improvements that increased the value of underdeveloped property being held for speculative purposes.

Sharp's Outfitters is the premier outfitter on the Niobrara River with the largest rental inventory available. Dams and other flood control structures built in the mid-1900’s on the Missouri River have caused sediment to accumulate in the reservoir system. The Niobrara River is rated as a top 10 river for canoeing in the United States with speeds averaging from 4 to 7 MPH and depths averaging 18" to 24". Niobrara River Unlike other rivers on the Great Plains, the Niobrara is rapidly eroding (on a geologic time scale), cutting down into ancient formations that formerly lay buried beneath the river. 22.5 Homes and cabins in Running Water will also be threatened by high water. ... 2011 Missouri River flood. On occasion, you might catch sight of Mink, River Otter, Leatherback turtles, Blue Herons just to name a few.

Threats to This River. USGS 06461500 Niobrara River near Sparks, Nebr. Photo by Mary Snowdon This still image captured from a YouTube video posted by Kenna Sedivy shows the breach at the dam on the Niobrara River near Spencer, Nebraska. Niobrara River Basin: This station managed by the North Platte Field Unit.

April 30, 2019 4:30 pm Jennifer Lenzini 2019 Flooding, Nebraska News, Top Stories NIOBRARA, Nebraska (KTIV) – Tourism is a big part of the economy in Niobrara, Nebraska.

Niobrara, in far northeast Nebraska, is still recovering after floods in March tore through the community, wiping-out major roadways and damaging homes, businesses and infrastructure. USGS scientist making a streamflow measurement downstream from the USGS gaging station: Niobrara River near Sparks, Nebr. Minor flooding along the lower banks.

Slabs of ice remained on the trail at Niobrara State Park five days after flooding washed out a section of the historic railroad bridge across the Niobrara River that linked the park to the village of Niobrara March 14. ... NWS Flood Stage: 6 ft. Rating Information ... Manuscript.

There is some evidence suggesting that moving the town was not entirely motivated by the flooding. 23: Highway 12 east of Niobrara could be overtopped by water backing up Bazile Creek. This weekend, the town is celebrating its recovery with Niobrara Appreciation Days Friday and Saturday. Many camp overnight in various private campgrounds operated by individual outfitters, or at the campground in Smith Falls State Park. 6: Flood stage.