Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. OCD usually doesn’t happen all at once. Do I Have OCD? If obsessive thoughts have been harassing you for extended periods of time, it can be indicative of serious mental disorders and illnesses. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Test & Self-Assessment .

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) occurs when intrusive thoughts become uncontrollable. These obsessive, intrusive thoughts, a key characteristic of the OCD diagnosis, could center on fear of making mistakes, contamination, illness, preoccupation with religion or sex, fear of unwanted urges and desires, or just about anything that you perceive as dangerous, unclean, or disgusting. The thoughts may not go away entirely, but ERP is extremely successful in turning those obsessive and all-consuming thoughts into mere annoyances (Intrusive Thoughts, Inc., 2017). Hypnosis Although the evidence for hypnosis is not as robust as the evidence for medication and therapy, there is still some confidence placed in its application for the treatment of OCD.

OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts and ritualized, repetitive behaviors you feel compelled to perform. Never. Rarely. A person with this disorder might, for example, spend hours each day washing his hands or constantly checking and rechecking to make sure that a stove, faucet, or light …

But if you suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors become so consuming they interfere with your daily life.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) including Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by intrusive thoughts, images, urges, or impulses that are interpreted as threating (obsessions). Very Often.

Often. People with OCD have obsessive thoughts or images that bother them. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) experience thoughts and urges that are intrusive and unwanted (obsessions) and/or the need to engage in repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions). (What is OCD?)

Do you ever fear germs or engage in excessive … Obsessive-compulsive disorder , particularly, can cause persistent, intrusive thoughts to result in a great deal of discomfort and agony. But if you have the actual condition that’s obsessive-compulsive disorder, how it negatively affects your life is very real. Do you ever experience repetitive thoughts that cause you anxiety?


Use this quiz to help determine if you might need to consult a mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. If you have OCD, you probably recognize that your obsessive thoughts and …