Which has more mass, the inner core or the outer core? Outer core. The inner core is approximately 1515 miles in diameter.

Outer core. Unlike the inner core, the outer core is not under enough pressure to condense it into solid metal. Inner Core Facts. The mantle is 2,890 km (1,800 mi) thick.

The Earths core and the structure of the Earth cannot be studied directly because of the pressure and heat inside our planet. It is made of iron and nickel.This is above the Earth's solid inner core and below the mantle.Its outer boundary is 2,890 km (1,800 mi) beneath the Earth's surface.

Earth's inner and outer cores combined are about the same size as Mars.

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Its outer boundary lies 2,890 km (1,800 mi) beneath Earth's surface. The Earths Mantle. This also causes it to have flattened poles and makes the planet wider at its equator. Its outer boundary lies approximately 2,890 km (1,800 mi) beneath the Earth's surface. The outer core of the Earth is a liquid layer about 2,260 kilometers thick.

Both the outer and inner cores are made almost entirely of nickel and iron.

The outer core surrounds the inner core and borders the mantle, which is the third region and the closest region to the Earth’s crust. 0 0. The outermost part of these planets may be slushy. The Earth is made of three layers that are just like an onion. Wikipedia: Inner core. The core of Saturn is believed to be as much as 20 times as large as Earth's core.

It was once believed that the earth's inner core was liquid, but Inge Lehmann - a seismologist - proved in theory in 1936 that the inner core was solid, and the outer core was liquid. The outer core of the Earth is a liquid layer about 2,260 km thick composed of iron and nickel which lies above the Earth's solid inner core and below its mantle. Inner planets have a mostly iron core, surrounded by a mantle. The inner core is solid, whereas the outer core is liquid. en.wikibooks.org . They study the speed earthquakes move through different densities of rock. The earth is divided in to four layers:CRUST, MANTLE, OUTER CORE and INNER CORE. Below the surface, hydrogen and helium are in a liquid form. The outer core surrounds the inner core and borders the mantle, which is the third region and the closest region to the Earth’s crust. The surface of the inner planets is characterized by volcanoes, canyons, craters, and mountains, and earth is the only one known to have water on its surface.

The outer core is the outer layer of the core that is made of liquid iron and nickel. The Earth's core is the part of Earth in the middle of our planet. According to the Big Bang theory outer space was formed by the vacuum that was left behind after the formation of the stars and galaxies.

The hottest part of the core is actually the Bullen discontinuity, where temperatures reach 6,000° Celsius (10,800° Fahrenheit)—as hot as the surface of the sun.

The inner core is the hottest region and the innermost region of the Earth. Source: softschools.com. Why is the outer core liquid while the inner core is solid? The earth's mantle is approximately 1800 miles deep, and the earth's crust varies between 3 to 43 miles deep.

It was once believed that the earth's inner core was liquid, but Inge Lehmann - a seismologist - proved in theory in 1936 that the inner core was solid, and the outer core was liquid. Let’s explore some facts about the layers of the earth! The outer core is approximately 1408 miles in diameter.

outer core facts softschools