Click Advanced search, located underneath Search filters on the upper right of your results page, or click More options and then click Advanced search. Here are a few free and paid tools that will save you time and provide all the important data you need. Would you like to connect this Twitter user to your Followerwonk? Enter your search into the search bar on 6 Tools to Manage Your Twitter Followers . We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Twiangulate is the leading tool for search, analytics and mapping of connections between Twitter friends and followers. And one of the biggest features we’ve heard Twitter users request is the ability to search within their followers — specifically, people they’re following. Match your activities to gains and losses in followers to give your followers what they like best. ... Search Twitter bios to connect with anyone. ... Optimize. We’ve not only heard you, but incorporated that Twitter search feature into TweetReports. ; Fill in the appropriate fields to refine your search results (see below for some helpful tips). First off: why would you want to search the Twitter followers of a certain company? Follow and unfollow in-app to hone your social graph like a razor's edge.
Well, take Jamie Oliver’s Twitter account for jobs in his restaurants – @jo_jobs – for example. Managing Twitter followers can become a time consuming task, taking time away from actually sending messages and growing your influence. View followers of any public twitter account Free Twitter analytics & search for tweets, timelines & twitter maps. Find, filter and sort tweets or people by engagement, influence, location, sentiment and more Connect Connect a different Twitter user.