Games dated December 17, 2011 (JP), February 15, 2012 (NA), and February 22, 2012 (EU) are launch titles of each region respectively.
We are a BAFTA-winning, independent game developer, with a reputation for innovation in both storytelling and VR. Below is a list of partners that help us to get stuff done. If you’d like to talk to us about partnerships of any kind, please write to our Chief Executive Officer at 1 Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4RG. There are currently 1525 games across the lists of PlayStation Vita games.. For a chronological list, click the sort button in any of the available region's columns.
By using our website you give your consent to the use of cookies for analytics - read more. … The Inpatient - Story Trailer [VR, PlayStation VR] by vrgamecritic. The latter is a series of stand-alone, horror games for PS4, Xbox and PC. Supermassive Games is a British video game developer based in Guildford, Surrey.
Close We have released a number of successful titles and are best known for the critically acclaimed PS4 hit Until Dawn and the recently launched The Dark Pictures Anthology. Until Dawn Gameplay Preview Lets play 2 Supermassive Games SCE Sony Playstation 4 PS4 by kintips. 0:58. Founded in 2008, the studio is now home to over 150 talented individuals working across a range of storytelling titles. The first game is Man of Medan. 11:58. The first game is Man of Medan.