Oral treatment for tinea versicolor has the advantage of simplicity. Tinea versicolor is a common fungal infection of the skin in adolescents and young adults and leads to discolored patches of skin, usually pale (hypopigmented) spots on the upper back and shoulders. Sun exposure may make tinea versicolor more apparent. Tinea corporis (Ringelflechte) ist ein Hautpilz-Infektion durch Fadenpilze, die den Körperstamm und die Extremitäten betrifft. See the disclosure for more info.

Antifungal creams, lotions or shampoos can help treat tinea versicolor. Zu beachten ist bei der Kleienpilzflechte das hohe Rückfallrisiko.
Tinea versicolor (TIN-ee-uh vur-si-KUL-ur) occurs most frequently in teens and young adults. Tinea versicolor treatment. Sie verursacht runde, schuppige Rötungen, meist mit deutlichem Juckreiz. TineaVersicolor.org may earn compensation from affiliate links in this content. Two doses of fluconazole ( Diflucan ) or itraconazole ( Sporanox ) a week for four weeks can be quite effective. But it can lead to emotional distress or self-consciousness.

Treatment is directed towards reducing the number of yeast organisms living in the skin of the affected areas, using an anti-fungal preparation applied directly to the skin. Tinea versicolor treatment over the counter [] The risk of serious liver damage, adrenal gland problems, and harmful drug interactions with use of oral ketoconazole outweighs it benefit for fungal skin infections. While oral ketoconazole is contraindicated for the treatment of tinea versicolor, the topical foam may be useful in some patients. Tinea versicolor, which is also called pityriasis versicolor, is not painful or contagious. Tinea versicolor – Tinea versicolor presents with hypopigmented or hyperpigmented macules that are most commonly located … › Invasive Malassezia infections …associated with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations from benign skin conditions, such as tinea versicolor and folliculitis, to fungemia in the immunocompromised host .
Tinea Versicolor Home Treatments. Vorbeugend sollten Betroffene daher versuchen, bestehende Risikofaktoren auszuschalten. Treatment may be required if the rash is causing concern. You Can Treat Your Tinea Versicolor At Home. Behandelt wird die Ringelflechte mit Antipilz-Mitteln, die meist äußerlich, manchmal auch innerlich angewendet werden. Pityriasis versicolor lässt sich im Allgemeinen gut behandeln, wobei es aber einige Monate dauern kann, bis sich die weißlichen Hautflecken wieder pigmentieren. In patients with a predisposition, tinea versicolor may chronically recur. Tinea versicolor is a common, benign, superficial cutaneous fungal infection usually characterized by hypopigmented or hyperpigmented macules and patches on the chest and the back. If you are uncomfortable taking systemic medications to treat your Tinea Versicolor or don’t want to pay the much higher cost of treatment, do not worry.