Rocket-triggered lightning is a launch hazard.
Triggered lightning is a real threat and Bristow has experience with it! Triggered Lightning. A whole team of meteorologists is on hand from the 45th Space Wing and SpaceX to determine whether the weather will scrub the launch.
If there is no forecast risk of lightning strike, then there will be no colour visible for this layer.
Live lightning map for the UK, using the ultra-accurate ATD lightning detection system. By ... evaluating the effectiveness of its forecasting system and hopes to carry out more research to help with understanding triggered lightning. If there is no forecast risk of lightning strike, then there will be no colour visible for this layer. This is the picture just now, the forecast at this time only goes up to 3am. The triggered lightning layer shows areas where there is high, medium, or low risk of triggered lightning. Triggered Lightning. • The LLCC consist of 10 rules that are designed to avoid natural and rocket-triggered lightning strikes to in-flight rockets (see pictures below).These are evaluated for every launch, regardless of the type of rocket or mission.
The triggered lightning layer shows areas where there is high, medium, or low risk of triggered lightning. Forecasts are provided in 1 hour time steps out to 6 hours ahead. 45th SPACE WING Launch Forecast FAQs WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIGHTNING LAUNCH COMMIT CRITERIA (LLCC) AND USER CONSTRAINTS?
Forecasts are provided in 1 hour time steps out to 6 hours ahead. How North Sea helicopters cause lightning to strike. Updated every 5 minutes so you can track the latest storms and lightning strikes.