Training to swim the English Channel is a time consuming and arduous task. If you’re looking to challenge yourself this season, check out Swimming WA’s Open Water Swim Series. Get started This year I have swum regularly in … This has to be done so that when you swim the Channel in the summer the temperature at 15-16 degrees feels positively balmy!
6 hours is not a good training swim period for a Channel swim - it is less than half of the average crossing. It involves numerous hours of plowing up have down the pool during the winter and then immersing yourself in the sea in temperatures as low as 6 degrees. Two swims per day. Deborah Herridge is training to swim the English Channel in the summer of 2017 and shares her journey from 30 lengths in the pool to a 21 mile Channel Swim. The Channel Swimming Association was founded in 1927 and is internationally recognised to observe and authenticate channel swims. This document maintained by
Swimming ability: Designed for individuals training for, or interested in long-distance swims You should aim to be capable of doing 6 hours plus on a regular basis - and longer swims if you can spare the time. This is a great way to keep track of your progress and is something you can refer back to. Swims to get involved with 2020/21 Open Water Swim Series. Treat It as just part of the Duty of Care / Risk accessment cycle that you need to put yourself through.
The English Channel is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, and next year I hope to fulfil my ambition to swim 21 miles across it. Daily swimming: Depending on each individual’s event, swim duration will build gradually throughout the week, culminating in a six-hour swim for those training for a solo English Channel, and a two-hour swim for relays. NYC Swim -- an open-water swimming association, based in New York City -- recommends swimming approximately 25 miles per week to prepare for the crossing. Additionally, by tradition, swimmers do not wear wet suits to cross the channel; instead, they spread a Vaselinelike grease over their bodies to insulate them from the cold. The slowest is nearly 27 hours. Use a logbook to record your swimming training, including your total kilometres. When I wasn’t training, she was slightly narked about it.’ The fastest solo swim across the Channel is a little over seven hours.
Swim the English Channel.