Locations × Filter by Locations: Include Events Onsite And Online × Include Events: Submit Clear All. About TTU TTU’s History TTU opened her gates in 2007 as Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Taita Taveta Campus and later in 2011 was upgraded to a Constituent until 7th October 2016 when it was given a charter to be a fully fledged university. AN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF TAKORADI TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Volume 5, Number 1, April 2019 . Latest News. Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409; 806.742.2011; webmaster@ttu.edu; Online Institutional Resumes. The Libraries will close at 5:00 pm on Thursday, March 19th and will remain closed while we weather the COVID-19 crisis until further notice. The many resources available through the library include: All of our databases, e-journals, and e-books. Upcoming Events: June 20, noon-12:50pm. Audience × Filter by Audience: Locations. Card View Day/List View Monthly View Weekly View. State of Texas | Statewide Search | Texas Homeland Security | Texas Veterans Portal | SAO Fraud Reporting | Energy Management | General Policy Information. Any questions regarding document delivery, please contact the Document Delivery Office at (806) 742-2239 or libraries.docdel@ttu.edu. Women’s Staff Network Meeting | June 20th noon-12:50pm: Help us evaluate our latest survey data. Currently, you can browse through the collection through an alphabetical list or by subject area. 1ST TTU BIENNIAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE . Electronic Resources: Databases, Journals, and Sites. Librarians and staff will be working from home, and ready to assist. Make sure your Status is "TTU Distance Patron (Faculty, Staff, and Students)"; Update you mailing address; Click the "Submit Information" button at the bottom.

October 18, 2016. TexShare Card. The area offers a variety of 3-D technology to help users create and develop ideas. TTU; Texas Tech Today; 2016; Library's New Makerspace Lets Students, Faculty and Staff Get Creative . Your input is needed to determine if the information gathered is current and relevant to the Women’s Staff Network’s mission and vision. TTU Home | TTU System | TTU Health Sciences Center | Angelo State University | Contact Us | Recommended … Texas Tech University Libraries has launched a new Makerspace that includes 3-D printers and scanners and 3Doodler pens that replace ink with plastic and are used to … Lunch will be provided by the Division of D iversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Amanda Castro-Crist.

read our latest stories. The Law Library maintains a number of subscriptions to both legally and non-legally related databases, e-journals, and news sites. Library Events × Filter by Calendar ... Exhibit Instruction IS 1100 Raider Ready LIBR 1100 Online Conference RRO Tours TTU Friends of the Libraries Workshops; Audience . 1ST TTU BIENNIAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE .