Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are annual plants that bear big flowers. This bulb's blooms can be over 6 inches wide. Dahlia plants grow in all sizes, from 1 to 6 feet tall. Many cultivators grow these flowers on a massive scale for ornamental purposes. Dinner plate dahlias are available as different types. They are often found... Ageratum.
Also known as winter aconite. They are native to North and South America. Although the size of the plant does not necessarily dictate the size of the flower, dinner plate dahlias are the largest plants, with flowers reaching 12 inches in diameter. Types of Flowers: Names & Pictures Aconite. Dahlias (Dahlia pinnata… A tough plant that is a favorite for many gardens. Beautiful blue annuals known for their powder puff blooms. The lotus flower is a staple in any Asian-inspired garden, especially those with water features and ponds. They spread easily and can be planted as tubers or seed. Gaillardia is commonly known as the Blanket Flower. Southern magnolias (M. grandiflora), also referred to as bull bay, are one of the three major... Dahlias.
It is a genus of flowering plants that belongs to the Asteraceae sunflower family. Displaying yellow, maroon or orange... Southern Magnolia. Lotus. Types of Big Flowers Sunflower. Lilium 'Star Gazer' is one of the world's most popular lily varieties, with speckled magenta trumpets edged in white.