Facts about Curiosity Rover 4: the goals for launching Curiosity Rover The rover is about as tall as a basketball player and uses a 7-foot (2-meter) arm to place tools close to rocks for study. The successful landing of the Mars rover Curiosity is an incredible achievement that has spawned more than its fair share of news. The Curiosity rover is a robotic car-sized Mars rover.It is currently exploring Gale Crater, which is near the equator of Mars.The rover is a nuclear-powered robot that is part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory (MSL).. Here's a look at the science instruments that will help it do the job. Curiosity's ongoing mission is to study the ancient habitability and the potential for life on Mars. Curiosity's ambitious science goals are among the mission's many differences from earlier Mars rovers. One of the biggest challenges to studying habitability of Mars, which is the goal of the Curiosity Rover mission, is to try to follow that signature of water.

Facts about Curiosity Rover 3: the target landing.

The MSL mission has four main scientific goals: study Martian climate and geology, search for water, and find out whether Mars could have ever supported life.

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE CURIOSITY ROVER The Curiosity rover is capable of discovering many different things while on Mars.

It will also look for carbon and other chemical building blocks of life. Rovers have several advantages over stationary landers : they examine more territory, they can be directed to interesting features, they can place themselves in sunny positions to weather winter months, and they can advance the knowledge of how to perform very remote robotic vehicle control. The target landing of Curiosity Rover was located at Bradbury Landing Site. Curiosity's ambitious science goals are among the mission's many differences from earlier Mars rovers. With the Mars Science Laboratory—a rover called Curiosity—safely installed in its spacecraft, the mission set out for the red planet on November 26, 2011, with a projected arrival at Mars on August 5, 2012 PDT.
The Curiosity Rover is a car-sized robotic rover, deployed as part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, that is currently exploring Gale Crater on Mars. A little over two years after landing, Curiosity has reached a milestone. NASA recently announced that the rover has arrived at the base of Mount Sharp, a 3.4-mile-high mountain that Curiosity … The Mars Science Laboratory mission's Curiosity rover, the most technologically advanced rover ever built, landed in Mars' Gale Crater the evening of August 5, 2012 PDT (morning of August 6 EDT) using a series of complicated landing maneuvers never before attempted. The goal of the procedure was to collect rock samples from Mars’ subsurface.

what is the goal of the curiosity rover