SALT I Treaty. The first agreements, known as SALT I and SALT II, were signed by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. in … Narrative. SALT 2 did result in an agreement in 1979, but the United States Senate chose not to ratify the treaty in response to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, which also took place in 1979. SALT I.
SALT I is the common name for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Agreement signed on May 26, 1972. The Soviet legislature correspondingly did not ratify it. Strategic Arms Limitations Talks/Treaty (SALT) I and II . First, they limited the number of antiballistic missile (ABM) sites each country could have to two.
The SALT agreements signed on May 27 addressed two major issues. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II) Provisions The primary goal of SALT II was to replace the Interim Agreement with a long-term comprehensive Treaty providing broad limits on strategic offensive weapons systems. Narrative Treaty Text. Signed at Vienna June 18, 1979. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), negotiations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union that were aimed at curtailing the manufacture of strategic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons. In accordance with Article VII of the Interim Agreement, in which the sides committed themselves to continue active negotiations on strategic offensive arms, the SALT II negotiations began in November 1972. The agreement expired on December 31, 1985 and was not renewed. During the late 1960s, the United States learned that the Soviet Union had embarked upon a massive Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) buildup designed to reach parity with the United States.