In April 1963 King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) joined with Birmingham, Alabama’s existing local movement, the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (ACMHR), in a massive direct action campaign to attack the city’s segregation system by putting pressure on Birmingham’s merchants during the Easter season, the second biggest shopping season of the year. …

The civil rights movement was a struggle for justice and equality for African Americans that took place mainly in the 1950s and 1960s. Rev. The campaign was led by Dr. Martin Luther … Read MoreThe Birmingham Campaign (1963) television is even more effective than the radio as an agency for influencing public opinion.

However, Kennedy did have a major input into civil rights history – though posthumously. Why wasBirmingham selected as the location for a major Civil Rights initiative nearly 1963? A 17-year-old Civil Rights demonstrator is attacked by a police dog in Birmingham, Ala., on May 3, 1963. Birmingham, Alabama was important in 1963 because it served as one of the strongest footholds in the civil right movement. you must pay millions of dollars to build up and project the proper television image for their candidates. Martin Luther King is probably the most famous person associated with the civil rights movement. made much of an impact. Why did Martin Luther King Jr choose Birmingham Alabama for a civil rights campaign? Public outrage over the events in Birmingham produced political pressure that helped to ensure passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. ... 04/02/2018 History High School +5 pts. 2 See answers Answer Expert Verified 1.8 /5 2.

On April 6, police arrested 45 protesters marching from Sixteenth Street Baptist Church to city hall. Fred Shuttlesworth of Birmingham invited King and the SCLC to Birmingham, nicknamed "Bombingham" because it was the site of eighteen unsolved bombings in black neighborhoods over a six-year span and of the vicious mob attack on the Freedom Riders on Mother's Day 1961. This meant that black people and white people were kept separated. Direct action disrupted the status quo and made it difficult for those in power to ignore the issue of segregation. Top Answer. Why was Birmingham chosen as the site for a major civil rights campaign? King was active from the start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955 to 1956 until his murder in April 1968. The campaign was led by Dr. Martin Luther … Read MoreThe Birmingham Campaign (1963) For example, nonviolent direct action was critical in challenging segregation in public accommodations. Birmingham Demonstrations Background: Despite energetic organization on the local level, Birmingham, Alabama remained a largely segregated city in the spring of 1963 when Martin Luther King Jr. and his colleagues at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) launched Project C (for confrontation), an ambitious program that wedded economic pressure and large scale direct action …