It means it involves taking the call, having a conversation with the caller, and putting disposition once the call is finished, and making oneself available to take the next call. It’s an easy metric to measure and provides a clear indication of how efficiently the call centre is operating. It includes the “call hold time” and “call wrapping time” as well. 11 Tips to Optimize Average Handle Time in Call Center. While average call handling time is still a useful measure for assessing organizational costs and performance, in today’s customer-centric world, companies should re-examine their approach to AHT as a yardstick for efficiency. Also, if managers are not able to review calls in real time, they can always get back to the recorded version and get the … Why average call handling time is an important aspect to be considered, is pretty evident from these aspects: Increase in the call handling time of each call can reduce the efficiency of the phone support services. A call handling time is a time taken by an agent to take, conclude, and wrap up the call.
Every outbound call center tries to keep average handling time to the lowest possible. When every inbound and outbound call is recorded, it becomes easier to assess the productivity of an agent and other issues that might affect his or her output. Average call handling time is one of the most common metrics that contact centre managers use to measure the performance of their teams. Average call handling time is also a metric for the call center as a whole and for individual teams within the call center. Record All Calls: This is an invaluable practice and a foundation of success. They need to ensure that the agents are availing proper telephone connectivity with appropriate voice clarity and menu options. It’s an easy metric to measure and provides a clear indication of how efficiently the call center is operating. Call center managers must keep a check of the system’s efficiencies as in the load time, number of window tabs that could be opened at one time etc. Purchased call minutes can be used up on fewer customers, causing you a burden of overages. Average call handling time is one of the most common metrics that call center managers use to measure the performance of their teams.
First Call Resolution (FCR): This is a measurement, expressed as a percentage, of the number of calls that are resolved during that call and do not require either the customer to call back or an agent to make an outgoing call to the caller with additional information.