Drosophila suzukii is an invasive fruit fly in The Netherlands, that is increasingly common in Europe and can cause major damage in fruit production. nuisibilité +++ Adulte. 2007; Lee et al. La drosophile du cerisier (Drosophila suzukii) est un ravageur redoutable des cerisiers, apparu assez récemment, en 2009 en France, mais il touche également, de la même façon, d’autres petits fruits comme le raisin, la prune, la fraise, la framboise, notamment, victimes également de ce moucheron asiatique, appelé aussi • Drosophila suzukii damage to cherry increased with semi-natural habitats. La mouche Drosophila suzukii provoque depuis 2011 des dégâts importants sur fraises en France.Les stratégies de lutte préconisées contre Drosophila suzukii reposent sur de la prophylaxie (éliminer les fruits attaqués ou en sur-maturité de la parcelle), de la détection précoce (pièges attractifs), de la lutte chimique non compatible avec la faune auxiliaire. This is because the Drosophila suzukii females are able to prick through the thin skin of (almost) ripe intact grapes with their much longer ovipositor to lay eggs. Click to download a PDF version of this publication. 2011; Kanzawa 1939; Kawase et al. Mosca Drosophila suzukii macho (izquierda) y hembra (derecha) Los adultos de este insecto son moscas con un tamaño de 2-3 mm, tórax de color amarillo claro-parduzco, ojos rojos y abdomen con bandas negras.. Larvas: a simple vista son similares a las de otras drosophilas, son de color blanquecino y tamaño pequeño (apenas 3,5 mm de longitud al final de su desarrollo). Contact ncipmmedia@gmail.com for free printed copies. A small hole and breathing tubes appear where eggs are laid. A standard curve was created, relating amount of second instar D. suzukii DNA to Cq values (amount of fluorescence) generated by qPCR. Drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii What does it look like when SWD lay eggs on fruit? Ravageurs. …after 5 days? 2011; Walsh et al. Drosophila suzukii. Nets can help prevent damage, but we are also looking for other methods to help fruit growers in their fight against this exotic species.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PEST—Male/Female Identification Card (PDF) Spotted-wing drosophila has recently been found in many California counties infesting ripening cherry, raspberry, blackberry, blueberry, and strawberry crops; it has also been observed attacking other soft-flesh fruit such as boysenberry, varieties of Japanese … 2011). Por lo tanto, se define lo siguiente: Área con Plaga presente: región administrativa o área del territorio nacional, en la cual la plaga ha sido detectada y/o ratificada su presencia por parte del Servicio. La plaga Drosophila suzukii queda restringida a aquellas áreas y/o regiones del país en las cuales el Servicio detecte y/o ratifique la presencia de la plaga. • Removal of semi-natural habitats is not a … UC Management Guidelines for Spotted-wing drosophila on Cherry. Drosophila suzukii, unlike the most common native European fruit fly – the Drosophila melanogaster – causes a lot of damage to the vineyards. D. suzukii was first detected in Switzerland in 2011 [].While at first only sporadic local crop damage occurred, in 2014, D. suzukii imposed severe economic burdens on growers of berries (e.g., strawberries, raspberries, blueberries), stone fruit (e.g., cherries, plums, apricots) and grapes, thus raising much public concern and media attention.
Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), the spotted-wing drosophila, is an invasive pest of fruit crops, which appeared in eastern Canada in 2010. Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae) causes economic damage to susceptible small and stone fruit in North America, Asia, and Europe (Asplen et al. Of 19 Drosophila species tested, DNA from one species in the invaded range of D. suzukii was amplified, but it was distinguishable from D. suzukii due to different amplicon melting temperatures. Strawberries deteriorate quickly. 2. In 2010 26 municipalities were surveyed, and D. suzukii was found in 15 of them, although no damage on fruits was detected as yet. EPPO Global Database, sistema de alarmas de plagas de las …