Sirius 3.) Archived. I recently read linkffn(The Debt of Time) and absolutely fell in love with Hermione and Sirius as a pairing. Reviews (13) Next Disclaimer: Roses are red, voilets are blue, I don't own Harry Potter, but neither do you! Ikea Fanfiction Fantasy Romance 18 hours ago Ursula Black was only two years old when her mother was killed for resisting Voldemort. Marriage Law!! Harry took the ring out from the box and paced it on her finger. Close. Read Part 7 from the story Marriage Law - Sirius Black x Hermione Granger by AmazingDilHowlter_ with 3,857 reads. I think hermione dad would be okay with it. Posted by 1 year ago. You Married The FERRET by tori13. Remus/James, 2.) Hermione laughed and slugged him some and kissed him. I think we'll be fine and I have the funds now dating at my disposal from Sirius and my parents to take care of us and your parents. 7. Peter. NC-17 HG/SS/SB/RL . She is given to her aunt and uncle, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, as Voldemort believes they can raise her to be a 'proper' pureblood. Harry potter fanfiction harry secretly dating daphne So now I'm looking for some of the other brilliant stories written about them please! FanFiction | unleash ... Sirius and Hermione stumble into a marriage, after a night of drunken sex. Je suis un peu pompette. The best Hermione/Sirius fics. HERMIONE GRANGER I think the order that the Marauder’s era boys have a shot with her would be: 1.) * Remus If Hermione is attracted to bookish, shy and quiet boys, Remus would stand the most chance. They both find it horrifying, but soon grow fond of each other. MISSION: GET HERMIONE LAID (Mission: envoyer Hermione en l’air). A dramione story of love, heart ache, trust, and revenge. by tori13. "THIS IS RIDUCULOS! (Well unless your the Queen herself, JKR!) Snape 4.) Non, attendez, laissez-moi reformuler ça –je suis complètement et irrémédiablement saoule ! The new marriage law forces Hermione and Draco to get engaged. Rated M for severe smut and language. The best Hermione/Sirius fics. Rating Mature Chapters 3 Reviews 25 Views 22,585 Chapter Views 14,761 Print Chapter Report Abuse. Oh, et c’est une AU –Je pense qu’il fallait bien soulager un peu Sirius aussi… Et pourquoi pas jeter le loup-garou sexy au milieu de tout ça !. Now they want out, but wizarding law decrees that a couple have to live together for a year before divorce. THEY CAN'T GO AND MAKE US MARRY PEOPLE THAT WE … harrypotter, severussnape, romance. Início GERAL Harry And Hermione Start Dating Fanfiction - Harry potter fanfiction fred and hermione secretly dating