Today we are going to discuss on mercury . Mercury Diseases: When ill-aspected, Mercury gives chronic dysentery, constipation, lack of digestive fire, lung diseases, asthma, restlessness, kidney problems, fear, neurosis, and madness. In Gemini, Mercury is manifested through quick wit, chattiness, and general charm. Linkedin.
How to judge the mahadasha of mercury in simple way will explain clearly. The crest suggests the immortality of the divine circle.
Health. The symbol of mercury is a cross hanging down from the circle and a crest on the circle. To be ruled by Mercury can mean that you are curious, communicative, and adaptable - but on the negative side, those ruled by this planet can also be indecisive, critical, and filled with nervous and anxious energy. Love. This helps 70-80% of accuracy remaining we will cover with kp & western astrology systems. LARGE. Mercury Astrology I represent the mental processes of your logical, reasoning mind.
Mercury in Virgo tends to look inward. Its characteristics are thinking, communication (travel, letters) and movement. Mercury in astrology rules the signs Gemini and Virgo, as well as the Third and Sixth Houses. Mercury having own signs of Gemini & Virgo. Twitter. Mercury - Budh Planet in Vedic Astrology: Mercury is the heir apparent of the planetary cabinet. He is RAJSIK, earthy and VAISHYA by caste. Having own stars of Ashlesh, Jesta, Revati. Mercury Period: It gives its best results when its native is between thirty-two and thirty-five years of age. Career. Money.
Rules Gemini and Virgo Exaltation Virgo Detriment Sagittarius Fall Pisces It represents the spirit, reasoning, logic, public speaking, a writer or a journalist. Facebook.
Mercury is also a planet of logic and organization, something that becomes apparent in analytical Virgo. The hanging cross represents the diverse ways of … Mercury Characteristics. Mercury is witty and takes upon him the nature of the planet associated. Mercury as a Ruling Planet: Characteristics of Mercury in Astrology Mercury is the ruling planet of both Gemini and Virgo . You will find me in the thoughts, words and phrases of the way you speak. It is the outward expression of Mercury’s energy.