OSHA’s general housekeeping standards require businesses to maintain a clean and sanitary work environment. 1910.22 (a) (2) The floor of each workroom is maintained in a clean and, to the extent feasible, in a dry condition.

Subpart K - Medical and First Aid (§§ 1910.151 - 1910.152) Subpart L - Fire Protection (§§ 1910.155 - 1910.165) Subpart M - Compressed Gas and Compressed Air Equipment (§§ 1910.166-1910.168 - 1910.169) Subpart N - Materials Handling and Storage (§§ 1910.176 - 1910.184) Subpart O - Machinery and Machine Guarding (§§ 1910.211 - 1910.219)

Standards 29 CFR 1910.22 and 1926.25 address house - keeping and work conditions.

The employer must ensure: 1910.22 (a) (1) All places of employment, passageways, storerooms, service rooms, and walking-working surfaces are kept in a clean, orderly, and sanitary condition. §1910.332 Training. §1910.334 Use of equipment.

Storage areas shall be kept free from accumulation of materials that constitute hazards from tripping, fire, explosion, or pest harborage. 1-15-210 South Carolina Code of Laws (1976) as amended. §1910.308 Special systems.
Approximately 2.5 million disabling injuries happen in the service industry every year with a cost of over 100 billion dollars. Hallways and walkways must be kept in good repair and no protruding nails or splints should be present. §1910.306 Specific purpose equipment and installations.

The employer shall ensure that no employee is exposed to an airborne concentration of chromium (VI) in excess of 5 micrograms per cubic meter of air (5 µg/m 3 …

Section (a) specifies three housekeeping requirements: All places where people work must be clean, orderly, and sanitary.

Paragraphs (d) and (f) of this section apply only to §§ 1910.133, 1910.135, 1910.136, 1910.138, and 1910.140.

However, housekeeping employees, regardless of industry designation, should know whether building components they maintain may expose them to asbestos.

While this standard specifically exempts permanent places of employment where agricultural work is performed, it should be evident that the intent was to exclude only the outdoor protions of work in agricultural production. There are other standards in OSHA that require housekeeping in other aspects.

Addi- tionally, good housekeeping leads to a safe work environ-ment, not to mention, improved production, quality and effectiveness.

§1910.333 Selection and use of work practices. Whenever showers are required by a particular standard, the showers shall be provided in accordance with paragraphs (d)(3)(ii) through (v) of this section.

General Industry as adopted from 29 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 1910 under the authority . This section means this § 1910.1026 chromium (VI) standard. Information provided in the training program shall be updated to be consistent … Housekeeping is the first impression to all visitors and employees at a facility. Paragraphs (d) and (f) of this section do not apply to §§ 1910.134 and 1910.137.

§1910.305 Wiring methods, components, and equipment for general use. 1910.1026 (c) Permissible exposure limit (PEL). §1910.307 Hazardous (classified) locations. All hallways, aisles and walkways must be kept dry and free of clutter to reduce the potential for falls and injuries. 1910.176 (d) [Reserved] 1910.176 (e) Clearance limits. §§1910.309-1910.330 [Reserved] Safety-Related Work Practices §1910.331 Scope. CFR ; prev | next.