Snooker 19 manages to look decent for the most part with the venues accurately re-created, the balls reflecting light in an impressive and realistic manner, whilst the table itself looks suave too, but the player and crowd models? Despite, or inspite of, the bad reviews thought that I would try this game. Snooker 19 comes with the usual exhibition matches and career mode, as well as online multiplayer. There’s definitely more good than bad, but expect to laugh as you see the players walk around the table as if they’re robots. There's also an interesting take on online tournaments, which mirror tournaments taking place in the real-world and allow players to compete for in-game prizes depending on where they land on the leaderboards at the end of the tournament. The games can be very tense too, with the difficulty being quite high – even on easy mode. Ew. I can put up with all that but when the game clearly cheats for the AI then I draw the line.

I can put up with the cue ball that rolls like a egg or the clunky graphics circa 1990's or the white screen flashes after each shot.