Juncus effusus, with the common names common rush or soft rush, is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant species in the family Juncaceae. Wholesale customers only, please. Stems terete, 25--90 cm or taller × 1--3(--4) mm, striate; pith continuous. Juncus (4) Koeleria (1) Leymus (1) Miscanthus (14) Molinia (1) Muhlenbergia (5) ... 2-4 ft: FOLIAGE COLOR: Blue Green, Multicolored: BLOOM: ORIGIN: Eastern North America: View Plant Details. species Juncus acuminatus Michx. 120 Andropogon virginicus 1 10 10 broomsedge broomsedge bluestem a g ANVI2 Juncus effusus 10 10 Japanese mat rush common rush a g JUEF Cyperus polystachyos 1 1 manyspike flatsedge n g CYPO Cyperus hypochlorus 1 1 Oahu flatsedge Oahu flatsedge n g CYHY2 Kyllinga brevifolia 1 1 shortleaf spikesedge a g KYBR Sporobolus indicus 5 5 smut grass smut grass a g SPIN4 Sacciolepis indica 1 1 … A great deer resistant accent plant that collectors dare not do without. across at the base, becoming gradually more slender to about 2 mm. species Juncus acutiflorus … Cataphylls closely embracing stem, reddish brown to chestnut brown, sheathlike, 2--22 cm. Pl. Soft Rush Juncus effusus Rush family (Juncaceae) Description: This perennial rush is about 2-4' tall, forming vegetative clumps of unbranched stems that are erect to ascending. 灯心草 deng xin cao Plants perennial, densely tufted. We can help. genus Juncus. Distribution. In North America, the common name soft rush also refers to Juncus interior. is found in California, Oregon and Washington. Aptly named, this unique rush has glossy green, pencil-thin stems that spiral outward from the clump in all directions. It does best in full to partial sun and can survive with its roots submerged in as much as 3 inches of water.
Home > Plant Directory > Juncus effusus. Close up on Leaves of Juniperus Communis - Common Juniper for Landscape Design. Juncus effusus soft rush . Juncus spp., primarily Juncus patens E. Mey (spreading rush) and Juncus effusus L. (soft rush) Rushes . Each stem is medium green, terete (round in cross-section), soft, and hairless; it is typically about 4 mm. J. effusus. kingdom Plantae. Key to the species of Juncus. across near the inflorescence. Curly Wurly Corkscrew Rush Juncus effusus 'Curly Wurly' Sku #7181. The Plant List does not attempt to include all infraspecific taxa. Common Name(s): Soft rush. phylum Tracheophyta. Range: Rush species vary in their range but they occur throughout the U.S. J. patens. Video ID segment (2-3 minutes / transcript below) Online image request form. Page 1 of 19 pages 1 2 3 > Last › Get in Touch With Us. Native to Florida. 1 (800) 203-8590. 1: 326. Juncaceae 2: Juncus subg. Juncus effusus is a clump forming wetland plant that is a striking vertical addition to any garden or container planting. The corkscrew rush plant (Juncus effusus), also called soft rush, is a water plant with vibrant green, twisted stems that grow up to 2 feet tall. Juncus effusus Linnaeus, Sp. superorder Lilianae. class Magnoliopsida. Subordinate taxa. family Juncaceae. Ready to order, have a question, or need info? Soft Rush can be planted at the edge of a pond or in up to 6" of standing water. This low maintenance plant prefers to be sited in a bog or other very moist environment in partial shade. life Life.