UTC is 7 hours behind Vientiane, Laos time. Time Change: In this time zone there is no Daylight Saving Time in use. Territories observing the time zone are primarily in south central Asia.
Time.is automatically displays the time in your time zone by using your IP address to detect your location. The Laos - Time Converter calculates the number of hours between Laos and different locations with daylight saving time adjustments.
... Universal Time Coordinated GMT / UTC: UTC+7: Daylight Saving Time DST. What time is it in Laos now? Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +7 hours : No daylight saving time at the moment . Explore Vientiane's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset. Laos time zone and map with current time in the largest cities.
Time Zone Converter (Time Difference Calculator) Compare the local time of two timezones, countries or cities of the world.
Correct local time in Vientiane, Laos timezone, official time change dates winter time 2020 daylight saving … That means to find the standard time in the zone you must add seven hours to Coordinated Universal Time. Current local time in Laos – Vientiane. Your detected location is New York, United States.New York, United States. Asia/Vientiane Time Zone in Laos.
Check the UTC offset and clock change dates in 2020 Current local time in Laos - standard offset to GMT, summer/winter time Laos dates, offset to GMT/UTC, daylight savings time (DST), free Laos online analog Html clock, and time conversion 2020 dates. Indochina Time is seven hours ahead of the Coordinated Universal Time standard, written as an offset of UTC + 7:00. Location. Converting Vientiane Time to UTC. Laos - Time Converter in 12 or 24 hour format. Get Vientiane's weather and area codes, time zone and DST.
Current Local Time: Laos Standard Time is UTC + 7: The Current Time in Laos is: Monday 6/15/2020 3:39 PM UTC+07:00 Laos observes UTC + 7 Standard Time year round This time zone converter lets you visually and very quickly convert Vientiane, Laos time to UTC and vice-versa.
UTC is known as Universal Time. Laos time now. Your IP address is Simply mouse over the colored hour-tiles and glance at the hours selected by the column... and done!