I am trying to complete the imperial quest line, but the game ... Legate Rikke (Skyrim) Edit Topics Topic. Legate Rikke doens't give the "Report To Duty" option, I've searched around for fixes. Save Cancel. Legate Rikke Bug.

but PS3, it works.

Knocking her down, talking from across the …
Give Kudos to this message. 0 Kudos Legate Rikke Bug. to fiz the Reporting in dialogue for Winterhold, all you have to do is: Forum > Skyrim board > Legate Rikke Bug Follow.

I managed to get past a few times with some of the fixes but eventually they stopped working and I accepted defeat and started a new game. Fixing Legate Rikke A FANDOM user I have not tried this out on the Xbox Nor the PC. I've tried the cooking pot, talking to the quatermaster, downing her, fast travelling to the camp, bashing into her, and exhausting her options, as well as General Jullius's options. Reunification of Skyrim, Legate Rikke won't proceed?
I've tried everything I found on the internet. A FANDOM user I completed "A False Front" quest, and came to Rikke. Hello, A while back I had the "Reporting for Duty" bug that Legate Rikke has and couldn't progress in the Civil War story. Not really sure what else can I do despite turning into a werewolf or waiting 30 days inside an interior cell. Now when I talk to her again, there's no dialouge option to report in.

legate rikke bug