Translation for 'in flakes' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. See more. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary Inflections of 'flake' (v): (⇒ conjugate) flakes v 3rd person singular flaking v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." n. 1.
A flake is someone who generally makes plans with you, promises to do things with or for you but can never seem to follow through. Flaked definition, a small, flat, thin piece, especially one that has been or become detached from a larger piece or mass: flakes of old paint.
...flakes of paint. Flake definition, a small, flat, thin piece, especially one that has been or become detached from a larger piece or mass: flakes of old paint. soap flakes. Translate Flakes. 2. verb. More example sentences. ‘he licked the flakes of croissant off his finger’. (Can we date this quote?) flakes - tamil meaning of சீவல்கள். Synonyms: chip, scale, layer, peeling More Synonyms of flake. flaked v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." A flat thin piece or layer; a chip. Flake definition is - a small loose mass or bit. How to use flake in a sentence. Define flakes.
A platform of hurdles, or small sticks made fast or interwoven, supported by stanchions, for drying codfish and other things. Jane doe promised to go out with me. noun. When confronted with their … ...oat flakes. Flaked definition, a small, flat, thin piece, especially one that has been or become detached from a larger piece or mass: flakes of old paint. flake noun [C] (SMALL PIECE) a small, thin piece of something, especially if it has come from a surface covered with a layer of something: flakes of snow. See more. This room needs … 2. flakes definition in English dictionary, flakes meaning, synonyms, see also 'flake',flake',flake',flake out'. How to use flake in a sentence. When confronted with their behavior they usually get defensive and run away.
Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary 1 A small, flat, very thin piece of something, typically one which has broken away or been peeled off from a larger piece. ‘She was tearing fragments off and placing them in her mouth, dusty and moist, her fingers covered in oil from the almond paste, sugar and flakes of croissant pastry.’. flake (plural flakes) (Britain, dialect) A paling; a hurdle. "She laughed."
Flake definition is - a small loose mass or bit. English Husbandman See 13 authoritative translations of Flakes in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. Cornflakes definition is - toasted flakes made from the coarse meal of hulled corn for use as a breakfast cereal. flakes synonyms, flakes pronunciation, flakes translation, English dictionary definition of flakes.
A flake is someone who generally makes plans with you, promises to do things with or for you but can never seem to follow through. 1. countable noun [noun NOUN] A flake is a small thin piece of something, especially one that has broken off a larger piece.
Large flakes of snow began swiftly to fall. She never showed up. See more. flakes definition in English dictionary, flakes meaning, synonyms, see also 'flake',flake',flake',flake out'. Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the TAMIL language with its free online services.