The Seven Key Qualities of a Magnetic Leader by Rachel Salaman.

As you can see from this list, magnetism isn’t something you are either born with or not. We can summarize electricity, magnetism and gravity into equations one inch long, and that's the power of field theory.

Transformational leadership is one component, along with structural empowerment; exemplary professional practice; new knowledge, innovation and improvement; and empirical quality results.

It’s determined by who you are. Transformational leadership is one of the most important components of not just the Magnet award program, but of leadership in all healthcare settings.

It’s a state of leadership that evolves over time. The Law of Magnetism states that consciously or not, we tend to attract people who share at least a few of our core characteristics.

9-Law of Magnetism You tend to attract people who are similar in attitude, generation, background, values, life experiences, and leadership ability.

? November 2, 2017. Magnetic Leaders is a valuable resource for Nikken Leaders and Nikken Independent Consultants packed with information and tools to help grow your business. The new model focused on better documentation, measurement of outcomes and the role of Magnet organizations in leading change, while retaining elements of the 14 Forces of Magnetism that made … Explore Magnetism Quotes by authors including Dave Barry, Tom Waits, and Michio Kaku at BrainyQuote. The Law of Magnetism is taken from John C. Maxwell's, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and says, 'Who you are is who you attract'.

Great Man Theories of Leadership This leadership theory suggests that some people are born to lead.

The Law of Magnetism is the 9th of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership — it states that “who you are is who you attract.” To succeed as a leader, you have to build a great team around you.
What you get is not determined by what you want. This can be a strength for your business if you know how to wield it wisely.
The key word here is evolves, as most of the magnetic leaders I’ve interviewed were like


But one key reason that is often forgotten is the appeal or “magnetism” that senior managers have to prospective employees. In other words, a person is gifted inherent traits that make them uniquely suited to lead others.

“Who you ARE is who you attract.” Learning ‘The Law of Magnetism’ ?

Strive to be the type of leader that you would want to work for. PSA Leadership Institute Trends & Industry Issues The Magnetism of Leadership You can choose to be a positive or negative charge on those you influence and lead.

To build a great team, you have to know who you are looking for and what qualities you desire.

magnetism in leadership