Easily share your quizzes via email, the web, or on Facebook.

About the test. You can read about the benefits of this approach here.However you should be aware that this makes your code less portable to other build tools and environments than Webpack. This is not required for React but many people find this feature convenient. You’ll create several components across different files, pass data as props, and propagate events up and down a chain of components. Cookies store useful information on your computer to help us improve the efficiency and relevance of our site for you. Reaction Time Test. If you said "PowerPoint quiz," I'd be inclined to agree. Our main render calls one of them based on the current state: render: function(){ if (!this.state.quiz.questions) {return

} return (


{(this.state.step < this.state.quiz.questions.length ? Pop quiz: what's the best way to create an engaging presentation?.

Finally we can write the render method. We'll be using the create-react … It is fast, scalable, flexible, powerful, and has a robust developer community that’s rapidly growing. It’s kinda dorky and really really simple PHP, but I figure it might be a good starter for some folks and a good primer in the basic theory of building a form in HTML and dealing with the data on another page with PHP.

A few multiple choice questions, submit button, and it grades the quiz and tells you how you did.


React is one of today’s most popular ways to create a … When the red box turns green, click as quickly as you can. Learn to make Quiz using Javascript. With the help of Microsoft's leading presentation app, you can make a quiz in PowerPoint to engage your audience and help them learn.

Quiz is a good way to allow users to interact with your app and make your app interesting.

Learn JavaScript from a real world example. You might be tempted to skip it because you’re not building games — but give it a chance.

Why We Use Cookies. Tutorial: Intro to React. React is a Javascript library for creating a user interface. Create React App. Create a free quiz and get automatic scoring on your questions with our online quiz maker. We want our component to display two types of screen; a question with its available answers and the result of a quiz session.

Click anywhere to start.

Tries |0 of 5. If you have NPM and Node.js installed, you can create a React application by first installing the create-react-app. It’s based on a JavaScript library created by Facebook called React, and thus brings its power to native mobile app development.

We build a JavaScript dynamic quiz incorporating CSS HTML JavaScript and Twitter Bootstrap to build a web project. Want more React themes & templates? The create-react-app is an officially supported way to create React applications..


Welcome to React. This site uses cookies to make your browsing experience more convenient and personal. This boiler plate app is built with React Native and Firebase and has the following features : Login; Registration; Email verification; User Listing; User’s Profile; In App Messaging In order to learn and test React, you should set up a React Environment on your computer.