Why is Food Allergy Training in Restaurants Important? Because of this it is essential that every restaurant have a well-planned allergen policy coupled with effective food allergy training …
Eating out should be an enjoyable experience whether it is at a restaurant, bakery, cafeteria, or fast food establishment. Training Tip: Consider reviewing a different poster in staff check-ins once a month. When this is not feasible, restaurants can clean equipment and workspaces before preparing meals for customers with allergies, according to the Food and Drug Administration’s Food Code guidance. Best Practices for Restaurant Food Allergy Training. It requires the state Board of Health to include training standards that address food safety and food allergy awareness and safety in its regulations governing restaurants. In the past decade restaurants have seen a significant increase in the number of guests who have special requirements due to a food allergy. Anyone with food allergies should be comfortable with the knowledge that the food they are being served is safe. Less than half of the 277 restaurant managers (44%), 211 food workers (41%), and 156 servers (33%) interviewed reported receiving food allergy training. This will serve as a training refresher and keep food allergies top of mind. Have ingredient lists … Food Allergy Training for Schools and Restaurants (The Food Allergy Community Program): Protocol to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Web-Based Program. It is estimated that about 15 million Americans have food allergies, and research shows that the level is increasing. The Need for Foodservice Employee Allergen Training. Pádua I(#)(1), Moreira A(#)(2)(3), Moreira P(#)(1)(4), Barros R(#)(1)(5). All about Allergens – for everyone working in food service - from the manager through to the food preparation and food service staff. By Betsy Craig. Use dedicated equipment and areas for preparing and cooking meals for customers with food allergies. Provide food allergy training for staff. Restaurants are no different.
The next step for cooks and chefs: general food service has been designed specifically for cooks and chefs working in general food service kitchens. Download our anaphylaxis poster and learn how to recognize and respond to a food allergy emergency. Author information: (1)Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. The following is a complete resource to staying safe in the restaurant world when you have a food allergy: Pick a Restaurant . In any given industry, it’s only a matter of time before issues once in the background of best practices take center stage. The law also requires the Commissioner of Health to provide materials on food safety and food allergy awareness and safety for the training of restaurant personnel.