overcast definition: 1. with clouds in the sky and therefore not bright and sunny: 2. 2. 2. n. (ō′vər-kăst′) 1. overcast definition: The definition of overcast is cloudy or gray weather, or something that has been edged with stitches to stop it from fraying. Overcast definition is - darken, overshadow. b. Clouded over. Gloomy; melancholy. How to use overcast in a sentence. A covering, as of mist or clouds.
See more. cast (ō′vər-kăst′, ō′vər-kăst′) adj. 1. a. Sewn with long, overlying stitches in order to prevent raveling, as the raw edges of fabric. An arch or support for a … 3.
Overcast definition, overspread or covered with clouds; cloudy: an overcast day. Covered or obscured, as with clouds or mist. Learn more. (of clouds) to cover the sky so….