Archived. Discussion.
Iowa. Close • Posted by 6 minutes ago.
Iowa. List your top 6 Slipknot albums from best to worst. share. They are all amazing I just have to rank them. Posted by. Whats up Maggots!
I'd like for their to be discussion because this'll probably be controversial but I'm going from least favourite to favourite.
Vol 3. How … Repeat., through 2019's We Are Not Your Kind.
4.Wanyk. SlipKnot. Posted by. Archived. 17.
Self titled.5 The Grey Chapters. r/Slipknot: This subreddit is devoted to the band Slipknot. Albums Ranked Best to Worst in your opinion. 0. Discussion.
20 comments. Slipknot albums ranked - my opinion that's in the minority - don't kill me for it. 5. It's been a week since the holy grail, Wanyk has been released. Albums ranked. Close. Posted by 2 months ago. Press J to jump to the feed.
Slipknot's albums ranked. 6: All Hope Is Gone. We rank Slipknot's discography from their 1996 full-length demo, Mate. We Are Not Your Kind. Slipknot's albums ranked. I don't hate or dislike any of the albums but I just prefer others over others.
u/Stupidrelapseguy. User account menu.
All Hope Is Gone. 8.
Discussion. Today, I decided to rank each of … Two weeks ago I posted rankings for the songs on each of their studio albums. 2.
For me, Self-titled Album 1999.
Kill. u/KingWildfang. log in sign up. Close. Vol.3. Discussion. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . I can do what I want. Albums Ranked Best to Worst in your opinion. u/sawmaster93.
Iowa and Slipknot are two of my fav albums of all time, Got me through some times in school but eveything after that is pretty equal with not much in it.
Close. Mine goes.
log in sign up. From best to least best. Every Slipknot Album Ranked! Slipknot albums ranked - my opinion that's in the minority - don't kill me for it. I've been a fan of Slipknot for about 6 months now so I'm new and opinions change but this is my list.
9. r/Slipknot: This subreddit is devoted to the band Slipknot. No Slipknot album is bad in my opinion. Discussion.
The Gray Chapter. New …
This thread is archived. All … Vol. Close.
This is how it goes for me: Iowa. Slipknot (self titled) All Hope is … Subliminal Verses.5 … User account menu. Slipknot - Albums Ranked.
Every Slipknot Album Ranked!
We Are Not Your Kind. Posted by.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . List your top 6 Slipknot albums from best to worst.
1 year ago. It’s just not as good as … Yeah, everyone puts this one at the bottom, but there’s a good reason for that.
Slipknot - Albums Ranked.
92% Upvoted . Vol 3.
17. Hardest list I have ever had to make tbh lol. 6.
If you have not checked those out, take a look at them, let me know what you think of my rankings, and drop yours in the comment sections of those posts. Discussion. Discussion. I enjoyed it very much, and since its been a week to listen to all the songs more, I gotta ask how would you guys rank all Slipknot albums since Self titled? 2 months ago. save hide report. 2 years ago. 8. Discussion. Discussion. Press J to jump to the feed.
So, I recently listened to Slipknot’s discography, so I decided to rank their albums here :) I know this post isn’t the most original thing, but shut up. Close • Posted by 2 minutes ago. 3.