In politics, a political convention may refer to a meeting of a political party, typically to select party candidates.The term may also refer to international bilateral or multilateral meetings on state-level, like the convention of the Anglo-Russian Entente (1907).. See more. Aug. 28, 2012 -- By definition, a convention is "a formal meeting of members, representatives or delegates, as of a political party, fraternal society, profession or … tion (kən-vĕn′shən) n. 1. a. 2. National convention definition is - a convention of a political party usually composed of delegates chosen by state primaries or conventions and meeting primarily to nominate candidates for president and vice-president and to adopt a platform. How to use national convention in a sentence. National Convention Party Übersetzung im Glosbe-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch, Online-Wörterbuch, kostenlos. See more. Democratic Party. contracting party of a convention .
Example sentences with "contracting party of a convention", translation memory. b. Convention definition: A convention is a way of behaving that is considered to be correct or polite by most... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples translation and definition "contracting party of a convention", Dictionary English-English online.
National convention definition, the legislature of France 1792–95.
Search party convention and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. convention definition: 1. a large formal meeting of people who do a particular job or have a similar interest, or a large…. A formal meeting of members, representatives, or delegates, as of a political party, fraternal society, profession, or industry.
convention Bedeutung, Definition convention: 1. a large formal meeting of people who do a particular job or have a similar interest, or a large….
Millionen Wörter und Sätze in allen Sprachen. ‘This convention dealt with issues of sustainable fishery catches and conservation of both aquatic species and habitats.’ ‘The convention was forced to deal with several critical issues within the black community.’ ‘The convention received a good deal of coverage … Political convention, meeting of delegates of a political party at the local, state, provincial, or national level to select candidates for office and to decide party policy.
How to use convention in a sentence. Convention definition, a meeting or formal assembly, as of representatives or delegates, for discussion of and action on particular matters of common concern.
The body of persons attending such an assembly: called the convention to order. Learn more. Political convention definition: a meeting of a political party, esp to select party candidates | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The modern Democratic Party is the descendant of the Democratic-Republican Party, an early-nineteenth-century political organization led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.Also known as the Jeffersonian Republican Party, the Democratic-Republican Party began as an antifederalist group, opposed to strong, centralized government.
Convention definition is - agreement, contract.